Chapter 66.1 Meow

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Chapter 66 Meow

Utopia Empire.

Licia, the chamberlain, was waiting outside the palace. During the waiting period, she quietly watched the live broadcast of the entire killing show finale, and she is still excited. At this time of year, even the chamberlains are not qualified to enter the palace, let alone the crowds of people waiting.

Licia just became a chambermaid today. Her predecessor—a woman from the Titan tribe—resigned not long ago to work on the Dream Killing Show. Licia passed the triple exam and stood out to get this high-tech and leisurely job.

Not far from Licia, there were groups of interstellar media carrying instruments. Photographers and reporters from "Zeus" to "Universe" were all wearing special raincoats and holding umbrellas.

The area around the Utopia Capital Palace was raining today.

In this era, micro-automatic rain protection devices are very developed. Antiques such as umbrellas and raincoats have not had a chance to appear for a long time...but this time it is different.

The rain around the Utopia Palace is continuous all year round and is extremely corrosive.

There is still half an hour before the start of the untitled tournament. Every year, His Majesty will not show up in advance, but some media reporters can't wait. They quietly pulled on the railing and asked Licia:

"I heard that the reason why there are highly corrosive rains year after year is because the palace was built on the site of the legendary X901 laboratory..."

Licia was most afraid of the media asking similar questions. Just when she was about to say that she had "no comment," the reporter who was chattering just now suddenly stopped.

The reporter looked behind Licia, his expression became a little guilty, and he silently retreated into the crowd.

Licia seemed to be aware of it, and turned around

- A dark shadow was standing quietly behind her,

Licia couldn't help but shudder.

That was the palace manager. He looked about fifty or sixty years old. His skin was extremely pale, and his whole body was as thin as a piece of paper.

Wearing a solid color uniform, standing under the eaves of the palace in the rain, he had an aura like a horror movie. He stood there quietly, turned to Licia and said: "It's time, come with me."

This is the steward who has served the monarch for nearly thirty years. He looks like a frail and ordinary middle-aged man. Until many years ago, a gang of star thieves made trouble on the planet Kalil and even attempted to invade the palace.

At that time, this ordinary man was standing under this eaves, holding a black umbrella upside down and stabbing the star thief leader's throat without changing his expression...


She woke up from the brief memory. , Licia didn't dare to be distracted anymore. She quickly lifted up her skirt and saluted, and followed the steward into the palace.

The heavy door opened and closed again.

It was an empty and deserted palace.

The Muse Palace is designed in a completely different style. The interior structure of the Utopia Palace is also extremely simple.

People walking on it almost make no sound. The palace is more like an inaccessible laboratory.

"No matter what you see later, don't be surprised, and don't tell anyone." The steward said.

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