Chapter 23.1 Meow Meow Meow

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Chapter 23 Meow Meow Meow

The author has something to say: I made a slight modification, country y = Spain, and changed the original Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean~ the problem is not big.


And more than one person was critically hit.

[Strawberry Pudding: Ahhhhhhh! ! !]

[However, the name will not be changed at level 4 of Elvish: Ahhhhhhhh the country should ban Zai Zai from being so cute! ! ! !]

[autydf: Ouch, bite me, come and bite me]

[Yeah, yeah, Astor: Lemons are not sour, qaq]


because Wen Xingze was treating the guests, he booked the restaurant.

This is a unique local restaurant that looks like a loft tavern. It has a history of hundreds of years and has been renovated several times. There are still photos of the shop owner and Elvis Presley in the 1960s hanging on the wall.

In the evening, the lighting in the restaurant is appropriate, and each booth has a small stained glass lamp. A singer sat in the center holding a ukulele, singing unknown Spanish ballads.

Locals love music and flowers.

If you want to ask Wen Xingze who he likes to have dinner with the most, although he feel sorry for the vampire parents, it is indeed Chi Yan.

Chi Yan doesn't like to talk, but you won't feel bored if you stay with him without chatting. Wen Xingze guessed that Chi Yan did have a nephew or niece, otherwise why would he be so good at taking care of people at the dinner table.

This restaurant serves authentic Spanish cuisine and is very popular with local residents. They are good at using a variety of novel and bold side dishes, such as citrus, lemon, pomegranate, and almond.

Maybe it's because the vampire filter has been upgraded. What shocks Wen Xingze is that when he eats steak now, he only wants to order medium rare... As we all know, a medium rare steak is raw except for the skin.

The steak in the Spanish restaurant was actually average, but Wen Xingze was quite happy eating it. However, he is worried that if this momentum continues, will the lv3 and even lv4 vampire filters develop into wanting to bite people in the future?

But the vampire parents don't bite. Wen Xingze clearly remembers that the blood they drink is the blood of farmed animals. Of course, it has been pasteurized, and they have a very sound industrial chain and health awareness.

In addition, Wen Xingze also likes a snack. Tenderloin and baked ham dipped in egg liquid and fried until golden brown, wrapped in cheese, mashed potatoes, tomatoes and vegetables, served with a cold cream soup, sherry vinegar and half-boiled eggs, smooth, thick and fresh.

"You can't eat such delicious food anywhere else," Wen Xingze really loves to eat, but firstly, to be an idol, he has to restrain his appetite, and secondly, because he used to be poor, every time he eats delicious food, he will be very grateful to the world. , "It's so delicious, it's worth my life."

Chi Yan was helping Wen Xingze cut the pie in the baking pan: "Ask the secretary to buy the restaurant."

Wen Xingze thought he was joking: "Hahahahaha, you are so funny."

Chi Yan: "..."

However, the life in this country is really leisurely, the scenery is good, and the food is delicious. Wen Xingze thought of the house he had not settled yet, and didn't know where to find a suitable house to rent.

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