Chapter 21.1 Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow

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Chapter 21 Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow

Unable to resist such hospitality, Wen Xingze finally performed two encores, Butterfly and Blue Bird.

When Wen Xingze lived in the basement before, he didn't dare to play the suona because it would disturb the residents. There is no doubt about the loudness and penetrating power of the suona sound. When Wen Xingze played it on the set, entertainment reporters outside the set were shocked.

Moreover, the entertainment reporter also listened to it, and after it was over, they asked Wen Xingze if he could post on Weibo.

Wen Xingze said: "I don't know about this either. I need to ask Sister Ye."

The entertainment reporters started to cry: "Tears in my eyes." "After staying here for so many days, although I didn't get actor Chi, tonight was still worth it." "My youth is back."

Wen Xingze: "...Is your youth really the Suona version of the Blue Bird?"

Entertainment reporter: "That's right, the cremation ninja."

Wen Xingze: "???" It doesn't have to be like that.

"You can both make ghosts and exorcise ghosts. You are really good. You are the best in the idol world." Another entertainment reporter gave Wen Xingze a thumbs up.

Wen Xingze subconsciously modestly said, "One-stop service, 20% off for acquaintances to apply for a card."

After saying this, he remembered that something was wrong. He had never admitted that he was the vampire brother in "100% Ghost" before. . Damn it, is he being tricked?

However, the entertainment reporters had already run away with their cameras. Wen Xingze had no choice but to resign himself to fate.

Although the three songs were short, the whole crew had a great time listening to them. They didn't throw away the light sticks even after it was over. When they returned to the B&B in twos and threes, it was really like following the audience leaving after a concert.

That night, some citizens walking at the foot of the mountain even saw a large area of ​​unknown fluorescent blue light emerging from the top of Pine Mountain, as well as the sound of suona and calling.

This once became one of the hot topics in urban ghost stories. It was said that there was a group of ghosts gathering on the top of the mountain to dance...

After listening to Zai Zai's suona intoxicatedly, the Thirteenth Prince did not go to fight Chi Yan, although they did come for this purpose.

--The communication from the housekeeper quickly made them aware of the urgent matter.

"Your Highnesses," the butler reminded, "the top priority is to complete the mission. Otherwise, when the time limit for the Soul Box is up, we will be passive again."

People who can become the king of a country must not be idiots. They fight Chi Yan first. Regardless of whether they win or not, it will definitely take a lot of time.

Moreover, the time limit for the PK mission is one week, and the time every day can be roughly divided into three categories: from 7 to 9 o'clock in the evening, the dragon clan can communicate with His Majesty, and during the day, the crew is the absolute home of director Chi Yan. What they can capture is only three hours of Soul Box.

This is a battlefield!

If you make the slightest mistake, you will lose the opportunity, and when it comes to His Majesty's affairs, the vampires don't want to make any concessions.

And this time everyone was teleported, and the soul box time was shortened to one hour. There was no time to waste...even if Chi Yan was really annoying.

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