Chapter 30 Meow Meow Meow Meow

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Chapter 30 Meow Meow Meow Meow

As the young Taoist priest said, this photo will be published in the official newspaper soon, and will be displayed on the home page of the official website of the Chinese Feng Shui Masters Association for a whole week, with the words 'The First Heavenly Master Handover Ceremony and the Friendly Meeting between the Two Worlds'.

Taoist priest in gray, banner, official seal document.

There is also the protagonist of the photo, Wen Xingze, who is confused and confused, and his little head is filled with big question marks.

The list of association members on the official website has also been updated quickly. The 'First Heavenly Master' column lists China's first Heavenly Master from top to bottom, in order:

Lin Xiashui (the 78th, Master of Tianxia Peak), Ran Yangyan (the 79th, Liyang Zhenren), Zhang Jinghua (the 80th, Master Jinghua)... Wen Xingze (the 81st, an artist under Daobei Entertainment, a subsidiary of Shengtian Entertainment).

Until three or four years later, many Feng Shui masters who were not interested in worldly affairs still expressed doubts about this. What is the title of "Daobei Entertainment, a subsidiary of Shengtian Entertainmen" that is so long?

So fashionable!

What is closer to the immediate situation is that not long after, this official website photo was discovered by enthusiastic netizens. After uploading it to Weibo, it triggered a new round of shock and emoticon making and hahaha...


'Fantasy Cruise' deck.

The young Taoist priest took out the red envelope and asked the director to distribute it to the people attending the meeting, saying it was a lucky draw. Then, the young Taoist priest handed a gold-gilded business card to Wen Xingze:

"I, Zhang Liuquan, this is my business card. My Feng Shui office has branches all over the country. You can just state your name."

Some people may be surprised by Zhang Jinghua. Why give such an important responsibility to a young man whom you have not yet met. But in fact, in terms of strength, Wen Xingze is the only one who can completely crush Xu Sichao, and Feng Shui masters don't need to have many contacts to see people. They can get a glimpse of a person just from his aura, destiny and face.

Wen Xingze: "...Oh, okay."

"Seeing that you are in a hurry, I won't disturb you for now. I will pay you a visit the day after you return to China, and I will leave the rest of the responsibilities of the First Heavenly Master until then. " Zhang Liuquan shook his hand gratefully, and the clerk took a group photo again, and then they left.

"Master," the butler bowed to Wen Xingze, "I will take my leave first. Do you need to leave a servant to serve you? Where are the bodyguards?"

The director looked at the butler and Wen Xingze in horror, shaking his head desperately at a slight angle.

Wen Xingze's expression was one of despair: "Thank you, no need - stop talking, please."

The housekeeper was a little reluctant, but still left, but the helicopters was still in the sky to monitor the safety situation at any time.

Everything feels very logical, but also weird.

Wen Xingze didn't know what social death was before, but now he knows that it is social death!

Wen Xingze returned to the restaurant with erratic steps.

The entire restaurant was so quiet that one could hear the needle drop, and time seemed to freeze at the moment Wen Xingze walked out of the restaurant.

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