Chapter 17 Meow

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Chapter 17 Meow

He was really tired all day today.

Wen Xingze didn't even wait to go back to bed. After taking a shower, he sat on the sofa and changed into pajamas, and fell asleep involuntarily.

Midsummer is coming to an end, and the stars outside the window are still brilliant.

Wen Xingze had a dream.

Unlike the Dragon Clan, the main star of the Vampire Clan did not belong to the Muse Empire at the beginning, but was an independent closed country ruled by thirteen princes.

Because of the commandment of escaping from the world, they have always lived in their own world, not communicating with the outside world, nor joining the cosmic alliance. They are an arrogant and withdrawn race.

The vampires are very powerful.

The encounter between Wen Xingze and the vampires in "Desolation" is a bit strange.

——It was the vampires who came to him to provoke him.

Wen Xingze was on a border exploration mission at the time. He took only a few subordinates with him and lived in the deserted star next to the vampire clan's main star for a month.

During this month, the thirteen princes came to challenge him respectively. First it was Sauron, then Lilith, Lan, Isabella...

The combat effectiveness of each prince is at the bug level. Fortunately, as the king of a country, Wen Xingze is not a fool. Wen Xingze was victorious in the first few games, but after he figured out the vampire's fighting routine, he became a little more comfortable.

On the thirteenth day, after Wen Xingze defeated the last Demon Party Prince Os, the irritable young man with red hair and red eyes held a long sword and asked him angrily:

"Why don't you kill us? You are insulting our honor as soldiers. "

Win or die, this is the value that the vampire family adheres to to this day.

It's strange, it's obviously a dark and cunning undead creature in legend, but it has such a spirit of chivalry.

According to the routine, Wen Xingze should reason with them, persuade them to cherish their lives and enjoy their time, etc. But Wen Xingze is not a person who is good at reasoning, so his answer at the time was:

"How to kill you, aren't you undead?"

Os: "Nail us to sterling silver crosses and tie us to the sun for seventy years. In two hours, even the prince will be wiped out."

Wen Xingze said implicitly, "That is a bit silly."

Os: "..."

The young prince of the Camarilla slammed the door with a livid face.

Wen Xingze felt that he might have made them angry, so he planned to finish the mission and escape, but he was a step too late. The next day, he and his subordinates were kidnapped to the Vampire Tribe Prime.

The vampire actually got into trouble with him.

Sauron said: "Until we find a way to successfully kill us that satisfies you, I hope you can stay on the main star of the Vampire Clan."

Wen Xingze euphemistically stated that he was the king of a country and had to take care of everything.

Sauron: "Thirteen princes can temporarily assist you on behalf of the ministers."

He was originally the king of a country on an equal footing with him, but they were all willing to be his subordinates. Now that the words had come to this point, Wen Xingze couldn't refuse anymore.

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