Chapter 35.1 Meow Meow Meow

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Chapter 35 Meow Meow Meow

Wen Xingze ate compressed biscuits for two whole months.

Under the powerful influence of money ability, the black dragon's body got better day by day, and Wen Xingze also began to make plans. When the black dragon fully recovered in a month, he would keep his promise and send him back to the main planet of the Dragon Clan.

Before that, he needs to fully activate his farming and business talents before he can go to Dragon Star for development.

Lei Qi was very cold at first, which perfectly matched Wen Xingze's various fantasies about the elegance and power of the 'dragon clan'. This impression lasted for about three days.

After being able to resume normal activities, Lei Qi would often drag a whole head of prey directly in front of Wen Xingze. Wen Xingze explained to him many times that "human beings cannot eat a whole cow alive," and Lei Qi turned his butt towards Wen Xingze with a stinking face, but he would soon forget about this and would do the same next time.

And Lei Qi, the pn-4 robot, the dwarfs, and the elves even had some subtle vying for favor. For example, the robot and the dwarf built a small playground for Wen Xingze. The black dragon refused to admit defeat and decorated his tail into a slide the next day.

And so on.

The days passed like this, and as more and more citizens were accepted, more and more things were recorded in Wen Xingze's notebook. After the dragon clan is resolved, there is also the matter of the mermaid clan being auctioned off as slaves...

This universe is too bad. All in all, there is still a lot to do.

Because of taking care of the black dragon, Wen Xingze had fewer opportunities to visit the blind officer. He only occasionally heard the robots say that he could get out of bed, that he bought a long sword from a traveling merchant, and he defeated the beasts in the forest and stuff like that.

The blind officer has an astonishing military talent, and his various statistics are also very powerful. One day Wen Xingze even heard that he organized the old, weak, sick and disabled in the town to defeat the infiltrating star thieves, and there were no casualties on their side...

"Do you want to join the Muse Empire?" Wen Xingze formally invited the blind officer on the day he recovered. "I may seem a little arrogant when I say this, but Muse will definitely become a very powerful country in the future."

The officer didn't say yes, nor did he say no.

He took off his eye patch and stared at Wen Xingze with his light silver, unfocused pupils. Even if he can't see anything.

Officer: "Why did you invite me?"

Wen Xingze: "For world peace?"

The officer stopped talking.

Wen Xingze said: "Since I am the king, I definitely hope that my people can live in a peaceful and stable universe, unlike now, where star thieves are running around, various deformed systems, and wars are everywhere. I thought about it, It will take about sixty years to dominate the entire universe."

The officer said without emotion, "I am more interested in destroying the world."

Wen Xingze never expected that he was still a middle-aged child.

"I have also been through this period," Wen Xingze lamented, "I named myself, the flame-swallowing user of the dark starry sky. The fault was not mine, but the world... or something."

Officer: "???"

The officer, after thinking for a while, he repeated it sternly: ", the flame-swallowing user of the dark starry sky, has three grammatical errors in this name. If necessary, I can help you correct it."

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