Chapter 23.2 Meow Meow Meow

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Doll clothes were hotter, and they only worked for an hour and a half before changing clothes. Their combined salary was enough to buy half a Spongebob... Wen Xingze decided to give up and talk about it later.

But it might be bought by someone else tomorrow. After all, people who like SpongeBob can circle the earth thirty times. Wen Xingze is very confident in SpongeBob's popularity.

Wen Xingze went to change his clothes first, and when he walked out holding the Pikachu hood, he found that Chi Yan hadn't changed yet. Rilakkuma stood in front of the checkout counter of the store next door, holding the out-of-print SpongeBob doll and looking at the store manager.

The store is privately owned and there is a poster of Chi Yan's last movie "Late Spring" hanging on the wall.

"Please be cheaper." Rilakkuma said dully.

The store manager scratched his head: "Customer, this is already the lowest price."

Rilakkuma stood there and did not move, but continued persistently: "Please make it cheaper."

The store manager had no choice but to type on the calculator a number: "It can be so much cheaper."

"..." Rilakkuma was obviously short-sighted. He held the calculator and looked at it closely for a long time, and then bowed deeply to the store manager, "Please, please make it cheaper." ."

Store manager: "..."

Wen Xingze: "..."

"Customer," the store manager said, it was also the first time that Rilakkuma bargained for a price, and he was very distressed, "It's already very cheap."

Rilakkuma lowered his head. He seemed very disappointed, but he didn't want to give up. After a while, he held three balloons and handed them to the shop owner: "Please."

"The lowest price is this." The shop manager said a number, "This is the purchase price."

Wen Xingze listened carefully and found that the number happened to be just a tiny bit more than the money they had, which was really embarrassing.

Wen Xingze had already decided to go out and stop the bargaining. At this moment, Rilakkuma seemed to have made a very solemn decision.

He slowly reached out his hand and took off the hood.

The man's expression is calm, and his eyebrows are as deep as a cold pool with the shadow of the lamp, an outline that no movie fan can mistake. Chi Yan must have been affected by the heat. There were beads of sweat on the tip of his nose and his forehead was a little wet.

He only took off the hood, still wearing the chubby bear toy suit, and said softly: "Can it be cheaper?"

Wen Xingze: "..."

The shopkeeper: "..."

The shopkeeper's eyes were confused, as if he was dreaming. After about ten seconds, he looked at Chi Yan in front of him and then at the poster on the wall.

Shopkeeper: "!!!!!!"

"Please give me an autograph, and then you can just take SpongeBob away," the shopkeeper whined, covering his mouth and crying with joy, "Do you want another Squidward?"

Chi Yan: "Thank you."

After saying this, he put on the hood and miraculously held the pen and signed while wearing the doll costume. In the end, he kept the money and only took SpongeBob away.

However, Chi Yan was really in trouble tonight.

As soon as he turned around and walked out of the store, he ran into a little boy, staring closely at Spongebob in Rilakkuma's arms, and said to the parents around him: "I want this yellow doll."

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