Set Me Free Part 2

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Ruben and Carla have grown apart. With Ruben's career taking off he leaves Portugal to live the life of his dreams, breaking Carla's heart doing so. Years later, upon his return home, Ruben learns that Carla has moved on, happily engaged to another man, but not any man, Ruben's childhood bully João Mendes.


It was good to be back home. Although he loved Manchester, Ruben didn't feel like there was another place where he could truly relax like he did at home in Portugal. It's where he had his core, his family and friends.

"You must meet Santina, a lovely girl. You remember Santina, don't you Ruben?"

He had barely gotten to unpack his suitcase before his mother had him escort her to the market, introducing him to every girl she thought eligible to become his future wife.

"Mamãe." Ruben sighed. "I'm sure she's lovely, but can we just let Simba poop and go home." Simba, the family Caniche, looked tempted to do her business underneath someone's fruit stand if Ruben didn't get him out of there soon.

"Fine." His mother said. "Just let me say hello to Gloria."

Ruben tagged along, with Simba trailing his steps. The Fernandez family owned a salon in town. For years it had been the only hair salon in Portugal that Ruben allowed to touch his hair. He was very picky as a child, some people even went on to call him sick. However, back then Ruben found it intimidating having strangers touch him. However, the Fernandez' were like family.

"Gloria!" Ruben's mother exclaimed, to which a woman carrying scissors turned around and frowned. "Bernadette?"

"Gloria! Long time no see. Look who I brought."

Ruben trailed into the salon behind his mother. There were only women occupying the chairs and if Ruben wasn't mistaken they were all looking at him with nothing but cheer disgust.

"Ruben?" Gloria said, her initial frown now a half hearted smile. "You'"

"Olá senhora Fernandez." Ruben smiled. He smiled because she reminded him of her, of Carla. Her resemblance to her mother was impeccable.

"You'" She repeated.

"Isn't it lovely?" Ruben's mother budged in. "Ruben is preparing for his tournament with Portugal this summer and decided to surprise us."

"How...lovely." Senhora Fernandez mumbled, eyeing Ruben skeptically.

"How about you Gloria?"

"Me?" She frowned. Ruben's mother tended to get a little overexcited when he came to visit. It was a little embarrassing, he thought. But then again it was his mother who was simply proud of her son and what he had achieved with his life.

"Yes, you. I heard your sister was in town, are you having a little family gathering of your own?"

"Oh, yes. I guess you can say that."

"Really, does that mean Carla is back in town as well?"

Ruben stiffened besides his mother. Senhora Fernandez looked to have done the same. "Actually, no." She said, clearing her throat. "Carla couldn't make it this year."

"No? What a shame." His mother said. Even Ruben felt something falter within him. He hadn't seen Carla in years. He thought about her often though, sometimes too often. And he hadn't forgotten, he would never forget their promises to each other. When the time came, if the time came, he would ask her to be his wife. Ruben was certain that he would.

"But you know how it is." Senhora Fernandez said, still with the same serious demeanor. "Carla is very busy these days, with the planning of her wedding and all..."

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