Dark Rivalry Part 6

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Here we go, part 6. Featuring a very cute scene where Ruben worries about reader because she is drunk.

Reader is Trent Alexander Arnold's twin sister. The two have been inseparable since childbirth, more so now when Reader is fresh out of university looking for a job, crashing at her brother's place whilst doing so. One day Reader gets a job offer that she cannot refuse, however it would mean working for her brother's biggest rival in football, Ruben Dias.


"Grandma, you stabbed me!"

"Then hold still." She grunted.

Trent was right, she had been happy to get rid of you. Telling Grandma that you got fired from your new job earnd you nothing but a thirty minute tongue-lashing and a stab with a needle. You were at the shop, making last minute corrections to your pencil skirt. Your job interview attire.

"What kind of job are you interviewing for anyway?" Jennifer asked, as she helped Grandma take your measurements.

"I dunno, some assistant job at a law firm in town."


"Not really. It won't have anything to do with marketing. I'm probably just gonna run coffee errands all day."

"Then why apply? Aren't you free to go back and live with your brother again now that the two of you have made up?"

It was true. You and Trent are good now, however your time apart has taught you a valuable lesson. A lesson that independence was key to a less stressful life. At least until you could find a hubby to provide for you in the future.

"There." Grandma said, having fitted the skirt with its finishing touches.

You were taken aback. The fabric felt coarse and scratchy against your skin, and the seams were uneven and puckered. You looked in the mirror and saw that the skirt was much shorter than you had requested, revealing your legs in a way that was not appropriate for a job interview.

"Grandma, this is not what I asked for."

She looked up from her sewing machine, a look of confusion on her face. "What do you mean? This is the pattern you gave me. I thought you wanted something simple."

You sighed. "I did want something simple but not one that looks like it was made by a blind person."

"Come again?" Grandma's face reddened, as she set down her needle and thread. She looked ready to jump you.

Then came Jenny.

"A coat!" She exclaimed, popping up between the two of you. "I'll lend her my coat. Okay?" She gritted her teeth at you.

You rolled your eyes. "Fine."

Grandma fell back on her chair. Lucky for you.

The job interview went well, perhaps because the owner of the law firm was a man in his fifties, who's eyes wandered freely to your leg set over the other, not at all minding the length of your skirt.

Afterwards you texted a friend to meet you up for drinks, since returning to Grandma's apartment was more depressing than getting drunk on a Tuesday.

"I'm surprised you reached out." Your friend Ashley, said. "We haven't heard from you since you moved from London back to Liverpool. You should have told me you're staying in Manchester with your nan."

"Grandma." You corrected.

"Right, how are they, your grandparents?"

"Well, my granddad has been dead for years, but I guess he was great before that."

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