Most Important

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This oneshot was a request on tumblr.


You were stressad out because your ex husband was supposed to pick up your son an hour ago and take him to his football game today.

"Mommy, mommy when is daddy coming?"

You stopped pacing back and forth in the living room as your eight year old son entered. He stomped in with his cleats on and dressed in his team kit.

"Are you ready to go?" You asked.

"Yes, but where is daddy?"

He forgot, you thought. Because it wouldn't be the first time your ex husband did this to you and your son. Empty promises was about the only thing he brought to the table during your relationship.

"Let me just make one phone call baby and then I'll take you to the game."

"You'll take me?" Your son frowned. "Wasn't daddy supposed to take me this time?"

"I'm afraid daddy isn't coming this time."

You watched your son hold in his tears as he left the living room with his head to the ground. You hurried to make a phone call, keeping an eye on the watch as it held the time for when the train left.

"Hello, Ruben? It's me. "

You felt terrible about having to cancel your date tonight. But like you told Ruben when he first learned that you were a single mom, your son always comes first.

"It's no worries we'll just take the train to where the game is."

Ruben made an offer to drive you there instead.

"No Ruben it's okay. I wouldn't want to put you out."

A part of you also felt unsure about introducing him to your son. Although you really liked Ruben you two had only gone out for a couple of dates. Usually you wanted to know that a guy was in it for the long hall. You hadn't dated that much since your divorce so you had yet found someone like that. However there was something about Ruben that made him different from any other guy you've dated. Even your ex husband.

"Fine Ruben. We'll meet you downstairs in ten minutes."

You hung up the phone and made your way to your son's bedroom. You found him with his head hiding under the covers.

"Baby. We best get going if you wanna make it to the game in time. I've got mommy's friend picking us up, so no trains this time."

There was movments under the covers, soon your son's head popped up.

"Oh, Isaac." You sighed. His eyes were sprung red from crying.

"Mommy why doesn't dad want to come see me play?" He cried.

You shook your head. " It's not about you baby and don't ever think that again. Your daddy loves you, he's just a very busy man."

A man who loved his job more than his family, you and your friends used to joke.

You pulled Isaac in for a hug, allowing him to stop crying on his own. At some point your phone vibrated in your pocket.

"That's mommy's friend. We better get downstairs."

Introducing Isaac to Ruben was nerve wrecking, especially in Isaac current state. However Ruben was as polite as always, greeting Isaac by shaking his hand, despite Isaac's zero interest in doing so. He kept silent for most of the drive, causing you to throw anxious glances in the rareview mirror. Ruben noticed this and let his hand find yours, squeezing it for reassurance.

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