The Bodyguard Part 5

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Summary - Reader is a popstars in trouble and Ruben is her new bodyguard, here to protect and help her find out who wants to hurt her. But what happens when the relationship between Reader and Ruben simply gets too personal?


You took a deep breath as the spotlight announced your presence on stage.

With graceful poise, you began to sing, pouring your heart and soul into the lyrics. The melody glided through the air, touching every heart in the audience. Your voice was pure and captivating, embodying the emotions you wished to convey. The crowd was mesmerized, hanging on every word, as tears filled their eyes and yours. Your voice resonated within their souls, embracing them with a bittersweet tenderness. Your love for your mother poured out through each verse, capturing the essence of your ache to be with her.

Be Mine, the song was called. A favorite from your new album.

As the final notes of the song hung in the air, a profound silence fell upon the audience. Then, from the depths of their souls, thunderous applause erupted throughout the salon. The audience was on their feet, their applause a testament to the emotions that your voice had stirred within them.

You covered your mouth with your hand, overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support. Tears of gratitude streamed down your cheeks as you returned backstage, meeting the applause of your sister and Tyson.

"Y/N, that was...." Your sister was lost for words, she was crying too.

"You were amazing baby." Tyson pulled you into a hug.

"Thank you." You sniffled. "My make up."

"The kit is in my purse." You sister said, rushing off.

"Here take this." Tyson offered you a stained cloth that had been hanging on a stool.

"It will make it worse." You said, fanning you face with your hands.


Something flashed before your eyes, a pink handkerchief. Ruben had come to the rescue, handing you the handkerchief from the pocket in his jacket, the color matching your dress.

"Thank you." You sniffled, swiping the tears away.

Ruben didn't look as moved by your performance like everyone else, maybe he hadn't payed attention.

"I got it." Your sister returned with her purse clutched in her hands. She brought out your make up kit and started redoing you face. You still had to get through the night, with the charity dinner and all. You were exhausted once you returned home.

"Fuck." Tyson groaned as he let his orgasm flood inside you. He rolled onto his back, coming down from the high.

"Was it good for you babe?" His hand stretched to rub your stomach.

You hummed yourresponse, pulling the sheets to cover your naked body. Sex with Tyson was something. A part of you hated that he always seemed to be in a bit of a rush. You've always needed more time before you really got into it.

"I've missed this, I've missed you." He rolled onto his side to look at you.

"I've missed you too." You nodded.

You had known Tyson all your life. His dad had been a good friend of your dad and so you would spend many family vacations together. It had always seemed inevitable that you and Tyson would end up together, with your sister being a bit older than the two of you.

"Brussels is lonely without you." Tyson stroked your thigh over the sheets.

"Well I've always wanted go back and visit."

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