Lost in Sardinia Part 8

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This story will have an epilogue!

Summary - Ruben is on a getaway in Sardinia. There he meets a girl named Fiorella. She starts to wonder why Ruben won't tell her what exactly he is getting away from, or even what his real name is.


Fiorella stood at the altar, her eyes brimming with tears of joy as she watched, Chiara exchange vows with the love of her life. The sun bathed the farm wedding in a warm golden light, adding an ethereal glow to the already beautiful scenery. As Fiorella stood beside the radiant bride, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness in her heart. Ruben, was unable to attend the ceremony due to an important meeting with his lawyers. Fiorella understood the demands that was on him during this hectic time, but she couldn't shake off the disappointment of not having him there.

Despite her longing, Fiorella gracefully fulfilled her bridesmaid duties, managing to put on a smile every time the camera captured her. She laughed along with the other bridesmaids, enthusiastically arranging Chiara's dress and making sure every detail was perfect. But deep down, her heart ached for Ruben's absence.

"I need a bottle of wine." Sophia sighed. She had also cleaned up her act and done her best to fulfill her bridesmaids duties at Chiara's wedding.

"Sis, you joining me?"

"No you go ahead." Fiorella said. Although the offer was tempting they still had a whole reception to get through.

The ceremony concluded, and the newlyweds greeted their guests with cheerful smiles. Fiorella moved through the reception, mingling with relatives and friends, pretending everything was alright. But her eyes searched for Ruben, secretly hoping he would appear, even though he had promised to arrive only after his meeting.

As the night progressed, laughter and music filled the barn where the reception was held. Fiorella joined the guests on the dance floor, twirling and swaying to the rhythm, momentarily forgetting her sadness. The joyous atmosphere enveloped her, momentarily lifting her spirits. Suddenly, a familiar voice whispered in her ear, "Mind if I cut in?" Fiorella turned around, surprised to see Ruben standing there, a mischievous smile lighting up his face. Her heart leaped with joy as she found herself wrapped in his arms.

"I'm sorry I'm late. The meeting went on the whole day. " Ruben confessed, his voice filled with tenderness. "Hopefully my gift to your sister and her husband will make up for my absences."

Fiorella smiled, coming up and out from Ruben's embrace. "If it's not season tickets to your football games next season, I don't think their easily that forgiving."

Ruben's eyes sparkled mischievously.

"Ruben?" Fiorella gasped. "You didn't?"

He leaned in and whispered, "But I did."

Fiorella returned to hug him, wrapping her arms around his large stem. She was aware that their days together were counted, that Ruben would have to return to England, perhaps sooner than later.

"You look so beautiful." He spoke against her hair.

Fiorella clung to him, feeling a renewed surge of happiness. Forgotten were the moments of longing and sadness as they danced the night away, their bodies moving effortlessly in perfect unison. They laughed, whispered sweet nothings, and reveled in the simple joy of being together. There was alot of attention surrounding them, Nonna did not hesitate to fill in anyone who wished to know who her granddaughter's mystery man was.

"They're getting married next June." She said. "I am already planning the whole thing."

Time lost all meaning as Fiorella and Ruben laughed and danced the night away. It didn't matter that Ruben hadn't been there for the ceremony because now, in this moment, they were together, celebrating love and happiness. The night ended with Ruben having to help carry Dino to bed. He had clung onto Ruben's leg on the dancfloor, trying to get him away from his big sister so that the two of them could dance instead.

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