Our Little Women

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This was requsted on tumblr as I'm doing seven days of request atm.


Ruben is a girl dad and loves his job more than anything in the world. He had nine months to prepare for it. And even when you had your second child, he was there, prepared to be the best dad to two beautiful girls. He couldn't imagine a life where he wasn't a girl dad, and perhaps that's where he went wrong, his lack of imagination. Ruben had never imagined that his girls would one day become little women, and the realization hit him pretty hard.


He was in your bedroom sleeping, when a crack of the door reveled your youngest daughter Emilia, with the homeline in her hand.

"What?" He groand, a bit grumpy to be disturb in his sleep, especially with you, fast asleep in his arms.

"Gigi is on the phone." She said. "But why is he she talking so funny?"

"What?" Ruben sat up, rattling the bed as he did. Gigi, short for Giorgina, was your oldest daugter. It was late. Very late for her to call, especially if she was having a sleepover at her friends house. "Come here." Ruben waved for Emilia in the dark. She was quick to rush over with the homeline, raising her arms for Ruben to lift her up into your bed, unhanding her the phone as he pressed it to his ear.

"Hello, Gigi?"

His heart raised when there was no response. However, there was a dimmed sound of music playing in the back.

"Gigi, can you hear me? This is your dad."


Ruben exhaled. "Yes, dad. Where are you?"

"Dad." His daughter sobbed.

Panic struck Ruben, but he fought to remain calm for Emilia's sake. She was still by his side, her head pressed to his chest.

"Daddy?" She whined, perhaps reacting to how his muscles had tensed.

"Shhh, it's okay." Ruben assured. "I'm trying to talk to your sister. Gigi, can you hear me? Where are you?"

"Daddy." Giorgina sobbed. Ruben did everything not to fly out of bed and run down the stairs.

"Just tell me where you are baby and I'll come get you. Daddy will come and get you."

"I'm at some guys house." She sniffled "My friends and I thought it would be fun to go to his party since him and his friends are a bit older than us..."

"Define older." Ruben said through clenched teeth.

"I dunno, eighteen? They told us that they were seniors."

"Seniors!" He snapped but put a hand to his mouth so as not to wake you up.

"Yes, seniors. Dad, I know that I messed up by lying to you and mom, but can you come and get me? I've had too much to drink and I can't find my friends...."

"Okay, okay...." Ruben said, calming her down.

"Please dad, I'm so scared."

"I'll be there in a minute. Just text me your address and try to stay out of trouble."

Ruben got out of bed.

"Daddy, is Gigi gonna be okay." Emilia asked.

"Yes, baby. She's gonna be fine." He planted a kiss on top of her head. "You stay with mommy and try to get some sleep, okay?"


With that Ruben got dressed and rushed downstairs. He grabbed his car keys and drove to the adress that your daughter had texted him. She was seen standing outiside of the house, on the sidewalk, waiting for him in the nights cold. Seeing that your daughter was okay, Ruben did nothing more than to open up the passenger door for her, driving off as she got in.

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