Remember You and Me Part 2

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Summary - After a traffic accident reader is left with no memory of her life with Ruben, who desperately tries to get her to remember him.


It was this or staying at the hospital. Your family and the doctors gave you no other choice.

"Memories are triggered by familiarites like taste and different smells." They said. Since you remembered everything about your life up until the age of nineteen there was no point in going home with your partners, you needed to remember who you were now, who you were before the accident. Which would be who you were with Ruben.

"Is this your house?" Your head tilted with the tall roof.

"It's our house." He smiled. "Come, let me show you around."

He was kind and patient Ruben. You were his wife but he was a stranger to you, still there was somthing, a familiarity to him. It was hard to explain beyond words, but deep down inside you knew that you trusted him completely, as if your feelings were ahead of your mind.

"Over there is our bedroom but I'll be sleeping in the guest room until, well....."

You were upstairs. Ruben had taken you through the house room by room. It all looked knewly renovated, untouched. Things were costum made and imported from countries you had never heard of.

"Ruben, what exactly do you do for a living?"

He chuckled at the question, but did not seem offended. "I'm a professional footballer."

"Oh?" Not the answer you expected. You saw Ruben more as the lawyer type or maybe a diplomat. He looked stiff in the shoulders, too stiff to be playing a sport at a professional level. Were footballers really as tall as he was? He must be above average then.

"And me..." You stuttered. "What do I do for a living?"

"Well, before the accident you were studying to become a scientist. You were doing your research at the University of Manchester."

"A what now?" You frowned. A scientist, how? You barely graduated from high school back home in the Netherlands, how could this be?

"Well you worked hard and earned a scholarship. That's why you came to live in England, in Manchester." Ruben explained.

"And that's where we met, here in Manchester?"

"Yes, but it's a long story actually." Ruben looked to want to changed the subject. "Let's get you something to eat, I've cooked dinner."

Dinner didn't stop you. You had so many questions about your life before the accident and Ruben was probably the person that knew most about it.

"I don't understand..." You wiped your mouth with a napkin. Dinner was lovely. Ruben could really cook.

"What?" He asked, watching you from where you sat across from him.

"If I'm just a graduate student and you're a professional footballer, how come you let me stay in this big house with you?"

Ruben's brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you're the one paying for everything, aren't you?" God knows what the electrical bills were like in this house. No way the income of a graduate student could contribute paying for it.

Ruben nodded his head, coming to terms with what you meant. "Yes, I pay for everything. I actually have no problems with it."

"You don't, why?"

He paused, his eyes locking with yours. "Because you are my wife and I love you."

The words seemed to enter straight through your heart. Leaving your chest heaving up and down as you tried to catch your breath. "I..."

"You don't have to say it back." He said, his expression serious. " I just need you to know."

You nodded. "But you want me to say it back, no?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "When the time is right you will."

You went to bed with those words echoing in your head. "When the time was right...."

Eventually you'd get your memory back. When the time was right things like living in a luxury home too big for just two people, would be normal to you. As well as sleeping in a costum made silk pajamas. But for now it all felt very strange to you and quite out of place. Question was, is this really what you had wanted for your life?

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