Ruben Dias x Reader - Pillow Talk

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Summary - Ruben and Reader turn pillow talk into deep talk


What are you thinking about?" Ruben stroked your hair as your head rested against his naked torso. His voice drummed your ear.

"I have to pee." You chuckled.


He lifted his hands, letting you go. You pushed off the matress and tip toed your way over to the bathroom.

"Like what you see?" You chuckled, as Ruben eyed your naked body when you returned to him in bed.

He ignored your remark and invited you to lay with him again, this time in a spoon. He kissed your shoulder before wrapping his arm around your waist, pressing you to where he wanted you against him.

"Why don't you pee after sex?" You asked. "Or is it just a lady thing."

"A lady thing?"


You didn't like not being able to see his face, so you turned over.

"What does that mean?" Rubens eyes were big in the night. The contour of his face was lit up by the slipping moonlight. He was beautiful.

"You know?" You shrugged. "Ladies have their things, whilst guys....don't?"

Ruben looked to ponder the question. "I guess it's a lady thing then." He smiled. You were happy about that because prior to your tousle beneath the sheets Ruben had been angry with you, very angry.

"Y/N?" He said, removing a hairstrand that was bothering your eye.


He sighed. "I'm sorry if I..."

You shook your head, not wanting to hear it. "You were right to be angry with me, I messed up."

It all started two days ago, when Ruben noticed that you weren't taking your birth control pills anymore. It's not that you didn't want to, you had simply forgotten a day or two. Nevertheless, Ruben called you out on it, quite upset about it. Because he thought that the two of you had reached an agreement that you would take them.

"Yes but..." He looked to struggle finding the right words as you lay down before him. "I...I shouldn't have shouted at you." He said.

"People shout Ruben, big deal?"

"Yes, but I shouldn't have shouted at you because of somthing like that."

"Why is shouting at me about birth control so different?"

Ruben looked to shy away from the question. It made him uncomfortable. "Because." He said.


You watched him stirr the matress to lay on his back. He sighed. "A man shouldn't tell a woman what to do with her body."

"Oh Ruben." Your hand stroked across his chest. "That was not you telling me what to do with my body."


"No baby, that was you upset about me changing my mind about somthing that we agreed on without hving discussed it with you first."

He nodded his head, his eyes wandered back to the ceiling.

"Can I ask you a question?" He said after a while, breaking the silence that had come between you.

"Of course. "

"Promise to be honest with me. "

You frowned. Ruben I..."

"Just promise." He said.

You nodded. "I promise to be honest."

"My lifestyle, does it bother you?"

Ruben was probably referring to his very strict lifestyle surrounding his profession. Football was obviously a big part of his life, perhaps the biggest.

"Sometimes." You nodded. "But in those times I usually think, what would I give to achieve my childhood dreams?"

Ruben closed his eyes and sighed. "I would give everything." He nodded.

It couldn't be easy, you thought, to be as commited as he was. You couldn't even manage to swallow a pill every day, let alone remember to do it.

Ruben reached out to touch you where you lay on your stomach. His finger drew lazy patterns along your back, tracing them down to your lower hip. It tickled and turned you on at the sametime.

"What were your childhood dreams?" He asked, just as you were about to suggest that he'd go for a round two with you.

"Oh, my childhood dreams?"

You tried dusting off your memory. It had been a long time since you thought of those.

"I don't know Ruben." You rubbed you eyes. "I don't think I had any."

"Come on, you must of dreamt of somthing?" He chuckled.

You thought about it again.

"What?" Ruben asked, seeing a smile creep onto your face.

"Well....I had this one dream that I would someday marry a prince that would save me from my evil foster parents and we'd go off to live happily ever after in a land far away."


Ruben was probably not expecting you tell him that. Little did he know that this childhood dream of yours went on well into your teens, perhaps even your adult life.

"So what happened?" He asked, stopping his finger from tracing down your back.

"What do you mean?"

He shrugged. "Did the prince come? Did he come and save you from your evil foster parents?"



"University did that. I didn't meet my prince until after I graduated."

"Is that so?" Ruben smiled, knowing damn well that the two of you had started seeing each other, well into your senior year at university.

"When can I meet him?" He said, picking up where he left off with his finger tracing up and down your back.

"You've already met." You said.

"We have? What's his name?" Ruben said, happy to play along.

"You don't remember?" You frowned. "It's Frank, from my job."

"Frank?" Ruben paused, his grip around you stiff. Then you smiled and he rolled his eyes. "You little..."

You let a out a low shriek. Ruben flipped you over in one motion, wrestling you down against the matress. Soon the play fighting went over to sloppy kisses and slipping hands, initiating your round two for the night, followed by round three.

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