Try Me part 5

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Summary - A six part series where reader is a very passionate football player and Ruben is her new and equally passionate football coach. However, the two of them can't seem to get along.


You didn't sit with Ruben on the bus ride home. He sat up front, you in the back and Hannah in the middle. He was on your mind though, the fact that he probably rubbed one off to the video you sent him.

It was wrong of you to lie to him like this, yes. But telling him the truth now, how would that go? The best thing to do was to let your conversation thread on tinder die, stop replying to his messages all together.

"Here you go."


You were the last person off the bus. Ruben helped the chauffeur unload everyone's bags.

"Do you need a ride home?" He asked, as the two of you were the last ones to leave the stadium parking lot.


You probably shouldn't. You definitely shouldn't.

"Yes, Ruben. Thank you."

It was a quiet car ride home. Still, you enjoyed it, being near Ruben. With him you felt at home, more than in your own home.

"I'm home!"

Stepping into the apartment, the stench of alcohol hit you like a punch to the gut. The floor was sticky beneath your feet. You discovered your dad and his friends sprawled across the living room, unconscious and inebriated. You clenched your fists, struggling to control the fury welling up inside of you. How could he put his own selfish desires before his family?

"Dad?" You tried calling, but he only grunted in response.

"Dad, I'm home?"

You approached him, stirring his limb body. That seemed to do it.

"Y/N?" He said groggy, eyes slowly coming to. "What are you doing here, where have you been?"

You frowned. "Dad, I told you that..."

You paused, hearing a faint cry coming from your room. Wasting no time you sprang forward, heart pounding in your chest. You swung the door open to find Mimi, standing there with a stranger. The man's unsteady steps and glassy eyes revealed his intoxicated state.

What was she doing here? She wasn't supposed to be here.

"Y/N!" Mimi cried out, relief washing over her face. "I'm scared, he won't go away."

Panic struck within you. Your protective instincts surged forth like a tidal wave. Fury intertwined with concern, you stepped between Mimi and the stranger, ready to defend your sister. You surveyed the situation, noticing the man's unkempt appearance and the smell of alcohol emanating from his breath. Anger burned within you, fueling your determination to protect your sister at all costs, scooping her up in your arms, gathering her things.

With your voice trembling, you returned to the living room, Mimi in your arms.

"How could you?

You spoke directly to your dad, hoping he could hear your last words to him, even in his stupor.

"How could you leave us like this, vulnerable and unprotected? You were supposed to be our role model, our support." Tears welled up in your eyes, voice cracking. "We deserve better than this."

Regret briefly flickered across his face before it was replaced by the numbing effect of alcohol. You knew that your words were being swallowed by the void of his addiction. However it didn't matter anymore, he didn't matter anymore.

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