Chapter 177

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In two months, the orcs of Qi Ze City had created a circle of siege crossbows for the entire ice wall, and four watchtowers were piled up with arrows dedicated to siege crossbows.

During this period of time, there were no traces of dragon activities in the vicinity, and I don't know whether the group of hyena dragons that besieged the lion and wolf tribe had already swallowed the lion and wolf tribe or they were annihilated by the lion and wolf tribe? If it was the latter, the lion and wolf tribe should have sent news to the surrounding orc tribes.

Because there is no way to get the exact news of the Lion and Wolf Tribe, even though the weather is still calm here in Qize City, it does not dare to relax its vigilance. Two days ago, a newly formed patrol team was arranged to check the situation near the Chishui River. Many fishes that have grown fat and plump in winter have improved the food of the tribesmen, but there is no other harvest.

In the past two months, the Dora Plain seems to have returned to the silence of previous years. Except for the occasional wind blowing, there is no sound or trace of biological activity in the entire plain.

The patients in Chen Qi's family moved out after they recovered. However, because of the relationship between the little orcs and the recent group of Hyena dragons that might attack in the tribe, Chen Qi moved himself. The home was turned into a temporary classroom, and all the underage children of the Luoshui tribe were taken over, and A Jing led them to enlighten them.

I don’t know if the children of the orcs are very good. Except for A Yao, the troublemaker, the other little orcs behave in a well-behaved manner even if they are young. When Ajing teaches them to learn words, they will be obedient to learn, and they will also be ready to eat. They will eat obediently. Some older people see those little orcs who are too small to eat with a spoon, and they will automatically feed them before eating. It can be said that these little orcs do not need people at all. Worrying, too cute.

Sometimes Chen Qi will stay these little orcs overnight. He is not at home during the day. At night, he will teach the little orcs to do some handicrafts and teach them to play some puzzle games like building blocks. I have to say these Little orcs accept new things much faster than those adults, which also strengthens Chen Qi's determination to cultivate these little orcs. Sure enough, education needs to start from dolls.

On the wooden shelf by the window, the plants planted in the pottery plate have been replaced by another batch. The several wormwood trees that Chen Qi replanted before have already bloomed, and he did not pass all the remaining seeds at once. After planting, only a small part was taken, and the rest had to be planted in the yard in summer.

According to the growth of other potted plants, it is obvious that the plants grown indoors are not as good as those grown outdoors. Chen Qi was worried that the medicinal properties of wormwood would also change, so he only planted a few plates as backup.

Holding a soft and clean brush, Chen Qi artificially pollinated several plates of mugwort, and Aze picked the last few cabbages in the yard, although the cold winter slowed the growth of these plants. , but after all that time, the cabbage is still too old, but as long as the outermost layers are peeled off, the leaves inside are still crispy.

After finishing the family affairs, Chen Qi confessed a few words to the group of little orcs at home who were studying seriously, and then went out with Aze. Today they are going to the ice city wall to see the situation of the newly made catapult. .

The catapult is larger than the siege crossbow, so it was split and moved to the city wall. A large wooden box has already been placed next to it. The ice **** are naturally not as hard as stones, even if they are used to attack dragons. It can't cause too much damage, at most it is to interfere with the actions of dragons.

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