Chapter 165

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The two rooms of Chen Qi's house were converted into heated beds in the summer. This year, they don't need to spend the winter in the hall, but there is no fire in the room. Once the temperature drops, they will feel a little cold if they don't go to bed.

After Aze came out of the wash, he had turned into fur from the neck down. Chen Qi was sitting on the bed that had been burned warm in a white fur snow bear coat. What a thick fur, Chen Qixiang wrapped it on his body, and the whole person could not feel the cold.

It was pitch black outside the window, Chen Qi couldn't see the scene outside at all, and the moonless plain was swallowed up by the thick darkness.

For the orcs of Qi Ze City, they were peaceful and happy on this night when winter came. They had just enjoyed delicious food and listened to a long and exciting story. There are fires and warm beds to protect them from the cold of the first night, and the guards in the watchtower did not send out any dangerous signals. They can sleep well and have a good dream, and wake up the next day except to see a silver suit. Life outside the plain world won't change much.

However, in a small remote tribe, the first night of winter was a nightmare for them, and if they could, how much they wished this day was just an illusion.

"Patriarch." A young adult female with a childish face walked over to the patriarch who was no longer young. The corners of her eyes were red, and it looked like she had just cried a lot.

"Has everyone gathered?"

"Yes, just waiting for you."

The patriarch took the other party back to the center of his tribe quickly. The tribe was not large, not more than 300 people at full count, and there were only less than 50 young females. How could such a lineup resist the outside world? What about the black dragon group?

That's right, on the first night of winter, the hyena dragons in the forest stepped out of the forest territory they had occupied for a long time for the first time and appeared on the plain of Dora. It is strange that among such hyena dragons, there are still A giant wolf **** who is almost skinny.

"We can't stop the hyena dragon group this time." As soon as the patriarch opened his mouth, there was a suppressed sob.

Everyone knew that the patriarch was telling the truth. It was not a few or dozens of hyena dragons that attacked this time, but thousands or even more than 10,000 hyena dragons. The small tribe was tightly surrounded by air. Although I don't know why the hyena dragons didn't rush in to attack at the first time, no one would naively think that these hyena dragons were simply surrounded here and would not devour them.

"We can't be wiped out by the Hyena Dragon tonight." The patriarch took a deep breath, looked around at his clan, and finally his eyes fell on the dozens of young females standing at the end of the crowd. "So, you have to escape, go straight along the Dosa River, and go to other big tribes. If anyone around you is caught by the Hyena Dragon, you can't turn back. Even if one person can rush out, we will not be able to turn back. It was a success."

"Yes, the patriarch." Everyone responded in a low voice, for fear that the sound would be too loud to cause the Hyena dragons from outside the tribe to break in ahead of time.

After the orcs were rectified, they began to take the initiative to attack. Even if the Hyena Dragon had no intention of breaking in, they could not wait here in vain.

The first to rush out was a group of old females holding burning firewood. Perhaps because of the torches in the hands of the females, the group of Hyena dragons stepped back for a while, and the orcs followed closely behind the old females. Rush out behind.

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