Chapter 70

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A Ze, who had been tired all night last night, was still asleep, but Chen Qi was refreshed early in the morning. When he woke up, he wanted to kiss A Ze, but he was afraid of waking him up, so he got up lightly.

He seemed to hear the cries of the little wolf cubs coming from outside the house just now. The cubs have now settled with A Jing in Ali's house. Although Chen Qi's family is big, there is only one heated bed. It's been a long time since Jing received the idea of ​​coming back. There is a small light bulb hanging around at home. How can he do shameful things with Aze? At this time, it is naturally the daughter-in-law that is more important. As for Ajing, cough, summer is coming. Let him come back.

Chen Qi was worried that the little wolf cub would sneak out while A Jing was sleeping. There were walls around him, so he was not afraid that the little wolf cub would get lost, but it was freezing cold outside. Whatever happened, Chen Qi thought of this, so he had to get dressed and plan to go out to check.

"Shh, don't make any noise." As soon as the wooden door was opened, A Jing was standing by the door holding the little wolf cub, and was reaching out to cover the cub's mouth, so as not to let it make a noise and disturb the people in the room. The little wolf cub thought that Ajing was teasing him, but he was even more excited. The little tail was wagging and almost disappeared, and he whimpered, and stretched out his pink tongue to lick Ajing's palm.

"What are you doing here?" The sky is still dark, and the oil lamps in front of the houses are only lit at night when the moon is dark or the moon is blocked by clouds. Seeing A Jing's face turning white from the cold, all I don't know how long he stood outside the door.

Seeing Chen Qi open the door, A Jing's eyes lit up. Hearing the question, he quickly blocked the little wolf cub in front of him, raised his head and said, "We want to eat fish."


"It's been a night, and I don't feel uncomfortable, so I can eat fish." A Jing explained, "And the little wolf said he wanted to eat it too."

Hearing Ajing calling his name, the little wolf cub snorted in response to the situation, as if he was talking to Ajing. Chen Qi's head is full of black lines, do orcs still have the skills to understand animal language? Why doesn't he know?

After getting along for a while, A Jing has been restrained from the beginning and now occasionally asks Chen Qi for some requests. Although Chen Qi is very happy, there is no need to wait outside the door early in the morning. Blamely pulled A Jing into the room, the room was warm, and A Jing suddenly came in and couldn't help sneezing.

Chen Qi scolded him a few words, and hurriedly filled A Jing with half a bowl of crucian carp soup. The crucian carp soup was boiled last night, and the fish soup would have a fishy smell when it was cold, so Chen Qi kept warm by the fire. Just add a pinch of salt to taste and drink it straight away.

There were a lot of wild **** slices in the crucian carp soup. Chen Qisheng handed several slices to A Jing, "These wild **** slices must be eaten, don't throw them away secretly, or there will be no fish to eat."

A Jingxiao frowned, even though the bowl of milky white crucian carp soup looked delicious, it was now several discounts on his appeal.

"Don't give the little wolf the fish soup." Chen Qi instructed and went to wash up.

The fish meat that has been boiled in fish soup has no taste. Chen Qi tasted it a little. It is estimated that all the essence of this fish has been boiled into the soup. Better than cooking white meat.

Chen Qi sighed. Naturally, it is impossible to throw away such a large pile of meat. If you dip it in a little sauce, you can still eat it. 100% believe that if these fish are given to orcs to eat, I am afraid that these orcs will never cry for fish again

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