Chapter 107

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A Zhang only arranged for A Le and A Xu to go to the Luoshui tribe to exchange resources with Chen Qi. After all, the Luoshui tribe is too far away from Qi Ze City. If too many people leave the tribe, the tribe's defense and hunting will weaken. .

A few people stayed in the tribe for about five more days, during which time A Xu's wooden bow was ready, A Shu looked very envious, A Zhang also gave him one, but the arrows needed to be made by themselves.

A lot of pottery bowls and cups have also been made, followed by cloth. The cloth woven with roots has strong toughness and is not easy to wear. Now the weather is getting hotter and hotter, putting on clothes made of this kind of cloth is better than wearing a beast. Leather skirts are much cooler.

They didn't bring much paper. The two brothers helped Azhu chop the materials for papermaking for several days, and also helped to pound the pulp for a few days. It wasn't very difficult to make, but Axu quickly got started.

The craft of making a bamboo sieve is not something that can be learned in a few days. A Xu asked the old ladies from Qize City to help make a batch. After returning to the tribe, he plans to bring what they need in exchange for these bamboo sieves. .

The two brothers have been busy almost every day these days, and they can come into contact with new things every day. Asu has a feeling that if he stays in the mayor of Qi Ze, he will definitely be able to see more novel things.

Because it would take about two months to go back this time, Chen Qi brewed a few more jars of wine, and this time Ali came to learn how to brew together.

"The wine brewed this time has used up all the sugar. Ali, please make some sugar when you have free time." Chen Qi said to Ali while sealing the filtered wine in the jar.

Ali nodded, "Tomorrow, A-Zhang doesn't need to hunt, let him go to the forest to pick some water and milk fruit."

This time, the grapes were enough to brew five jars of wine, and Ali also brewed two jars. After sealing the mouth of the jar, Chen Qi still buried them under the fig tree in the yard.

"Are these wines buried until you come back?" Ali asked, seeing that Chen Qi had buried the wine.

Chen Qi wrote today's date on a wooden board, and then inserted it into the place where the wine was buried, "Well, I heard that the longer the wine is fermented, the more fragrant it is. You have never seen wine before, so I'd better wait until I come back to see how well this wine is made. No problem first." After all, Chen Qi is also making wine for the first time, and he can't guarantee that this wine will be made without problems.

The two were talking when they suddenly heard a few knocks on the door. When they turned around, they saw A Zhu standing outside, holding a thick stack of paper in his arms.

"Just come in when you come." Chen Qi put the **** away. Bone-made hoes are actually not very effective for digging the ground. They are not as good as the beastized nails of females. Unfortunately, there are no metal ores on the plains. Otherwise, Chen Qi really wanted to make a few iron tools.

Azhu pushed open the courtyard door with his body sideways, walked to Chen Qi, and handed the paper in his arms to Chen Qi, "I have prepared all the paper you want."

Chen Qi picked up a piece of paper and looked at it. The texture of the paper made this time was a little more delicate than the previous one. He took over all the paper with satisfaction and praised: "Your papermaking skills are getting better and better now. Try making the paper thinner and softer."

Hearing Chen Qi's compliment Azhu was a little shy, he nodded, "I'll study it with grandpa when I go back."

After this period of recuperation, Azhu is no longer as thin and frail as he had been at the beginning. A little flesh has begun to grow on his little face, and his complexion has become quite rosy. When he smiles, two little tiger teeth are looming, which is very cute.

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