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AN: You know. I once had a Guinea pig named Treasure. He was kinda fat. One day when my family got back from some outting, Treasure was in his cage with two squealing babies. That is how my fat male Guinea pig turned out to be a pregnant girl. We named the babies Nugget and Silver.

Also me being a kid I thought that Treasure and my brothers bunny Cookie got married and that's how they had babies.

CoverArt: Cruz7808

Story is crossposted on Wattpad, and Quotev

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"Temple of the Key" appeared on screen with the theme.

Fade in to Crash Site Alpha. Two Feds - a Technician and a Soldier - are taking cover behind rocks and ship wreckage. There's a firefight ongoing around them.

Lap Fed: "Oh God, I'm hit!"

Crash Site Fed: "Medic! We need a medic over here!"

The Rebel Medic runs to them.

Rebel Medic: "I'm a medic! Calm down, soldier. Where are you hit?"

Lap Fed: "Oh, those bastards got me. They got me right in the lap!"

"The lap?" Pyrrha asked.

"They made this joke in one of the anthology episodes." Weiss recalled.

"I wonder if that episode came out after this one." Jaune theorized. "I still think Vic or Filss showed us those in chronological order but not in release order."

Rebel Medic: "Alright, ah... I'm sorry, what was that?"

Lap Fed: "Urrgh, the lap! I was shot in the lap!"

Rebel Medic: "So, like your upper thigh?"

Crash Site Fed: "Didn't you hear him? He said HIS LAP!"

Lap Fed: "Oh God, my lap!"

Ruby and Nora giggled.

"These soldiers are idiots." Weiss scoffed.

Rebel Medic: "It's just that that's not really proper anatomical-"

Crash Site Fed: "(interrupts) Well, excuse my friend here for not being a certified medical genius!"

Lap Fed: "Ungh, come on, lady! I need some slack, I'm bleeding out here!"

Rebel Medic: "Um, right. Sorry. Are you hit anywhere else?"

Lap Fed: "Uh, my tummy!"

Yang cackled, "I got shot in my... huh I can't.. my.. my my my.. damn what's a good one?"

"Your...I don't know. Honestly tummy isn't a bad word. Tummy is very clear, he got shot in his belly." Weiss explained.

"I got shot in the front." Yang snapped her fingers.

"In the side of my side." Jaune rubbed his side.

"The front of my back!" Ruby added.

Crash Site Fed: "They got'im right in the tummy."

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