Season 12 Journals y teaser trailer

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Author's Note:

Huge thanks to MidKnightMoonglow99 for writing the transcripts for this. They would have been a pain in the ass for me to write and he wrote them without me even asking.

Cover Art: Cruz7808

Chapter 21- Season 12 Journals y teaser trailer

"So Ruby, how'd it go?" Yang asked.

Ruby walked into team JNPR's dorm with wild hair and a wide smile. "The new Atlesian Paladins are fast!"

Weiss sighed, "At least you didn't get crushed. What about the railgun?"

"That was also fun, now there is an Atlas soldier out there with a much better railgun." Ruby smirked. "He was happy with it."

"I'm happy with my upgrade too." Jaune grinned and made a whooshing noise, mimicking Felix as he pulled up his hardlight shield.

"Gah don't waste it!" Ruby slapped his arm. "Velvet isn't made of hardlight dust! She let us borrow some because she's nice but this stuff is expensive."

Jaune blushed, "Yeah you're right."

"... I'm also happy with my upgrade." Blake held Gambol shroud out, looking at the half open barrel where she could now load sticky detonators into.

"I like it too." Nora stared at the weapon.

"So we're starting with promos today?" Pyrrha asked as she sat down.

"That is what Filss told us yesterday." Ren stated.

"What are we waiting for?" Yang asked as she turned to Jaune.

" Journal 001: Tucker" appeared on the screen with the theme.

Tucker: "You're joking right?"

Felix: "Do I look like I'm joking?"

"This reminds me of an audio log.. like a collectible." Jaune commented.

"You actually collect all of those, don't you?" Ruby shook her head.

Jaune blushed, "Well yeah, they're cool and I like listening to them."

"Collecting them all is so boring and I can never find them all in any game I play. I just look them all up and listen to them in a playlist." Ruby explained.

"Even that's too much effort for me, if I find one I'll listen to it while I fight or something but I don't go out of my way to find them." Yang explained.

"But you're missing out on so much!" Ruby complained.

"Yeah you're missing the lore." Jaune added.

Yang rolled her eyes, "I play games for the amazing action, I can appreciate a good story but I don't need to know the origin of every rock in the game."

Tucker: "I dunno dude, you're wearing a fucking helmet. But I'm pretty sure you're glaring at me right now."

Blake chuckled, "It's always impressed me how they can show those emotions with just helmets."

"The voice-work is incredible." Weiss added.

("Tucker" is typed on the screen)

Tucker: "So... Felix is making us all keep diaries while we're with the New Republic."

Felix: "They're Journals!"

Tucker: "Can I get some privacy please!?"

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