Lan Yi smiled, "Sir, you're too kind..."

At this moment, Su Bai suddenly entered, "Sir, Minister Yue..." He caught sight of Lan Yi, and his expression changed from surprise to a forced lift of the lips, "Oh, why are you in Chang'an?"

Lan Yi glanced at him and then looked away, humming softly, "Certainly not to find you."

"Who cares if you're looking for me," Su Bai said disdainfully. "Not to criticize, but have you gained weight again?"

Lan Yi turned her head abruptly, widened her eyes, "You're blind—"

"Wait until you two finish arguing," Su Shiyu said somewhat helplessly, looking at Su Bai, "What's going on?"

Su Bai quickly retracted his gaze, "Minister Yue has arranged a feast in the restaurant and invites you to attend."

"Did he mention the reason?" Su Shiyu asked.

"No, just said he hopes you can go there," Su Bai replied.

The frost covered the city, with blue bricks and gray tiles setting off the falling white snow, like a scroll of ink painting. The hustle and bustle of the world seemed to be swallowed by the wind, making the area around the city gate appear desolate. A quiet restaurant on a side street was even more silent. The hall had no customers, and the owner had disappeared. Black-clad guards stood on both sides of the stairs, guarding the quiet rooms upstairs where two people sat facing each other.

The middle-aged man with a refined appearance placed a wooden box on the table and pushed it over, "Please."

Chu Mingyun absentmindedly lifted the lid of the wooden box with his white fingers, revealing a box full of shimmering golden objects. Without much expression, he closed it again, "What does Master Yuan mean by this?"

The Prime Minister of Hejian, Yuan Min, smiled, "A token of our goodwill, a sincere gesture."

Chu Mingyun picked up the wine jug again, casually poured a full cup, and added, "I don't understand. Why not speak directly?"

"Lord Chu is indeed straightforward." Yuan Min paused, then spoke carefully, "I came here on behalf of my master to seek your assistance in times of crisis, Lord Chu."

Chu Mingyun looked at him with a half-smile, "Are you trying to harm me?"

Yuan Min's expression stiffened, "... If Lord Chu says so, it seems that the information we received is true." He sighed heavily, "Since both Lord Chu and I know the truth, let me be straightforward. My master sent me here, hoping that in times of danger, Lord Chu could lend a helping hand."

Chu Mingyun glanced at him with a smile that didn't reach his eyes, "What does it have to do with me?"

"Now, who in the world doesn't know that military power is in your hands?" Yuan Min said. "No one's words can reassure us more than Lord Chu's. Now that Lord Chu knows the truth as well, we hope that you can help us, who are loyal to our master. If he is implicated due to the actions of others, it will be truly heartbreaking."

"Is it my concern?" Chu Mingyun asked.

"Now, everyone knows that you hold the military power," Yuan Min continued. "No one's words can reassure us more than yours. Now that Lord Chu knows the truth as well, we hope that you can

help us, who are loyal to our master. If he is implicated due to the actions of others, it will be truly heartbreaking."

Chu Mingyun raised his cup again, "You want me to protect you, but what benefit does it bring to me?" He gestured with his cup, "Besides, how can I trust you when you speak of loyalty without evidence?"

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