Du Yue stopped laughing, stood up, patted his robe, and suddenly exclaimed, "Oh, I remembered I still have medicine brewing in my medical room. I'll leave first, no need to see me off!" With that, he turned and ran, the chair still warm.

The hall fell completely silent behind him. Chu Mingyun also ignored Linglong, his brows low, lost in thought. The pale fingertips tapped lightly on the table, producing a lonely and empty sound.

Linglong kept her head down, vaguely sensing that he was waiting for someone. Her heart felt suspended, tortured. After an unknown duration, with her knees numb and aching, she heard footsteps approaching from behind.

Step by step, as if treading on her heart, Linglong, without much consideration, turned around and looked back. Her face was full of surprise. "My lord!" She couldn't help but want to approach, extending her hand. Before her hand could touch a corner of his robe, a long sword fell from the air, piercing the ground, interrupting her movement. A cold voice came from the elevated position:

"Who allowed you to touch him?"

Her trembling fingertips slowly withdrew. Linglong cautiously raised her eyes, realizing that the Marshal's attention had long since shifted away from her.

Su Shiyu had stopped before the sword fell. He stood a few steps away from Linglong, his face showing the usual faint smile. "Lord Chu."

Leaning on his hand, Chu Mingyun looked at him steadily. "Are you here to take away this dancer?"

Su Shiyu glanced at the girl in crimson by the side, responding with a question, "What does Lord Chu think?"

Chu Mingyun chuckled, stood up, and walked to Su Shiyu. "But I plan to kill her. Do you mind?"

Su Shiyu's expression remained calm. "Whether I mind or not, does it matter?"

"If you mind, I'll kill her." Chu Mingyun stared at Su Shiyu, not missing any subtle expressions. "If you don't mind, then I'll strip off her skin, drain her blood, and slowly dismember her."

Linglong shivered at his words.

After a moment of silence, Su Shiyu avoided Chu Mingyun's gaze and calmly spoke, "She's just an assassin. If Lord Chu cares, I won't take her away."

As his words fell, Linglong froze. In an instant, her expression changed from coquettish and anxious to a cold and composed look. She slowly raised her eyes to Su Shiyu, softly asking, "When did you find out, my lord?"

Before Su Shiyu could respond, Chu Mingyun sneered, "The Chief Minister doesn't trust anyone. How could he not investigate your background?"

Ignoring his words, Linglong continued to look at Su Shiyu. "When did you find out?"

Su Shiyu turned to face her. "I guessed it when you performed that dance."

Her once bright face turned pale in an instant. Linglong lowered her head slowly, gently brushing her fingers over her own hair, trembling as she did so. Her eyes suddenly turned fierce, and she pulled out a red jade hairpin. She stood up and lunged toward Su Shiyu, attacking with the speed and force characteristic of an elite assassin, making a sudden and ruthless move.

In a flash, the sword reflected a glint of light, and the hairpin broke in two, falling to the ground. Linglong fell to the ground, holding her chest and coughing up a pool of blood. Su Shiyu hadn't moved, just raised his hand to block Chu Mingyun's attack halfway.

Chu Mingyun glanced at him, then hooked his finger. Seeing no response from Su Shiyu, he directly grasped his hand, interlocking their fingers, and pulled it to the position in front of his chest.

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