This time, Jiang Yuan remained silent for a long while before speaking softly, "Recalling it now, it's been almost a year since I entered the palace. Your Majesty has always favored me greatly, trusting me implicitly. I... truly don't know how to repay..."

Li Yanzhen chuckled at her words, "Consort speaks nonsense. Being by my side is enough. How else do you plan to repay?"

Though he was the revered ruler, Li Yanzhen had only recently come of age, his features delicate and youthful. His smile revealed a hint of youthful charm, clear and bright. Jiang Yuan felt a bit absent-minded, a surge of bitterness rising within her, almost bringing tears to her eyes. She hastily lowered her head, steadied herself, then raised her eyes again with a smile, took the wine jug, and poured a cup, "Let this cup of wine express my gratitude, may I accompany Your Majesty for eternity."

Li Yanzhen glanced at the clear wine in the cup, then gave Jiang Yuan a slightly strange look, before smiling and finishing the drink in one go. Unseen by Li Yanzhen, Jiang Yuan lowered her eyes, tears falling and dampening the embroidered sleeves of her gown, leaving a trace of dark color.

With governmental affairs awaiting, Li Yanzhen didn't linger. Jiang Yuan escorted him out of the hall, watching as the royal carriage gradually disappeared from view. She knelt on the ground, feeling drained, "Silly boy..." she chuckled softly, choking back tears. She reached into her sleeve, took out a porcelain bottle, opened it, and swallowed all the pills inside. Surprisingly, her eyes softened and brightened a little, "I'll go ahead of you, in hopes that in the next life, we'll be siblings, and I'll repay all I owe you, protecting you well for a lifetime..."

Jiang Yuan bowed deeply towards the distance, slowly kowtowing until her forehead touched the ground, quiet to the point of absolute stillness. Fresh blood dripped from the corner of her lips onto the bluestone ground, vividly red.

Suddenly, from the royal carriage on the palace road came a violent coughing fit, so severe it sounded like it was tearing apart one's heart and lungs. Courtiers hastily pulled open the curtains, only to find a large pool of blood spreading on the embroidered carpet, while Li Yanzhen lay collapsed nearby, his face deathly pale, unconscious.

Although it was a day of rest, officials in important positions in Chang'an City simultaneously received urgent orders, commanding them to secretly enter the palace for a court session.

Unlike the regular court assemblies, the court session was presided over by the Grand Marshal and the Grand Secretary, with only key members of the court allowed to participate. Discussions always revolved around the most urgent state affairs. Once a consensus was reached during the court session, the results would be presented to the emperor for final judgment. This time, the sudden and urgent notice of the court session left the officials no room for delay. They hastily changed into their official robes and hurried towards the imperial city. Upon entering the hall, they realized that the situation was perhaps even more grave than they had imagined.

The Grand Marshal of Chu sat on the left, his eyes lowered as he toyed with a folding fan in his hand, not once lifting his gaze to look at anyone. On the right, Minister Su held a cup of tea, also remaining silent. The attending officials, including the Chief Secretary, the Deputy Imperial Censor, and others, exchanged glances, none daring to speak out, only anxiously awaiting, the spacious hall almost deathly silent.

Finally, Su Shiyu raised his hand, and all the palace maids withdrew and tightly closed the palace doors. He stood up, glanced around, and spoke, "Summoning you all here in haste is due to the urgency of the situation. I'm sure you have prepared yourselves, but please allow me to say one more thing: what happens in the hall today must not be leaked to the outside, not a single word."

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