Chapter 11, The Sleepwalker★Part 8

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Part 8. The Sleepwalker 's ability to create dreams.

Wisdom caterpillar spat out tiny figurines and waved its hands, conjuring various special effects as if casting magic. "Sleepwalkers, also known as Dream Travelers, need to have the courage to defy conventional wisdom and possess boundless imagination. Once you activate the 'DREAM' within your hearts, you can use dream devices to unleash your power of creation."

"Um, okay, I totally don't understand, haha!" Toosb scratched his head awkwardly.

Amisa asked, "What does 'DREAM' mean?"

"'DREAM' is the awakened dream power, which is the imagination of a Sleepwalker," the wisdom caterpillar explained.

Jasky took out his personal notebook. "I see. So, the Eye-See-Heart Key from the First Dust is about stimulating imagination?"

"Yes, Jasky. The dream power that each dream spirit possesses allows them to perform specific actions. But the power of a Sleepwalker can connect anything imaginable and create things out of thin air. Powerful Sleepwalkers can do anything in the dream realm."

"Oh! It's like being a god of creation!" Toosb said excitedly.

"That's right, Toosb. As long as you abide by the rules of the Dream Caverns, you're free to explore your imagination," the wisdom caterpillar confirmed.

"Do we also need to follow rules when creating dreams?" Jasky furrowed his brow.

"Yes, even dreams that seem illogical have their own set of rules. Even in dream creation, you must adhere to four fundamental principles. Let me explain, and then Jasky, please demonstrate your abilities."

"Got it," Jasky recorded the wisdom caterpillar's explanation in his notebook. The content was as follows:

dream formation Displacement:Adhere to the combination of two or more dream materials; Sleepwalkers can directly use all objects on-site as dream material, also known as Dream Alchemy.

dream formation Condensation Follow the transmission principle; Sleepwalkers can transfer or synchronize the spirit of any memory character from their subconscious, obtaining their appearance and abilities, also known as Spiritual Disguise.

dream formation Symbolization:Follow the transformation principle of emotional dream power; Sleepwalkers can transform dream devices into various forms based on their various emotions, also known as the Versatile Dream Device.

dream formation Secondary Revision:Follow the principle of dream realm integration; Sleepwalkers can use the Dream Caverns and dream power to create new time and space, also known as Space-Time Creation.

Toosb said excitedly, "Wow, this is a bit exaggerated! The first one is like being a god of creation, the second one is playing cosplay, the third one is having a versatile tool, and the fourth one is... a... time traveler!"

"These abilities... are a bit extreme..." but Jasky showed a smile full of excitement.

"My own creation of time and space... Was Time's Heart's Dream App created using Embellished Dream?" Amisa asked.

"That's a reasonable assumption, Amisa. However, creating a dream realm requires unique dream power, and as far as I know, only Time possessed such power. Most Sleepwalkers focus on the first three principles, but that is enough to showcase their abilities."

"Can we choose our own system?" Jasky inquired.

"Unfortunately, Jasky, that's not possible. Dream creation comes from the subconscious, so it's up to the 'DREAM' within your hearts to decide."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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