Chapter 8 , The Secret of the Tiramisu Frontier House★Part 7

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Part 7. Loss of voice


"who's there?"

"Save the world."

"Save the world? What do you mean?"

"They are coming~~~"

"Who are they? The Red Queen? But isn't it just a red and white talents competition──────────────────────────────────

Amisa opened her eyes saw the pudding ceiling with grids in front of her, and several heads were looking down at her.

"Jiujiu..." is Mido.


"Amisa, are you awake? Great!" followed by Toosby.


"Miss Amisa! We've been promoted to A rank The little teacup princess said happily with a grape armband in her hand.


"Oh... are you okay..." the big producer Big Nose BOY asked.

"..." Amisa sat up and found herself lying on the bed in the infirmary surrounded by everyone, and everyone was worried about her.

"Idiots, don't harass the patient. The wounds have been healed so far, so there should be no serious problems." After Toosb treated her, he and the medical staff at the rear, doctor Egret, were arranging the herbs.

"Miss Amisa..." Little teacup princess over the armband, but Amisa's strange reaction made her a little worried: "You are fine... right?"


"Amiss... are you okay?" Toosb also became nervous.


In fact, from the very beginning, Amisa has always wanted to try to speak, but...

But there was no voice at all.

The expression was smeared with horror, this sudden accident made Amisa unacceptable, and she shouted excitedly, wanting to shout out her voice with all her strength.

"Miss Amisa, don't do this!" "Your throat will break if you yell like this!" Little tea cup and Toosb came hurriedly and stopped her.

"Producer!" Toothy Rabbit endured to the limit, and viciously pulled down the collar of Big Nose BOY, and accidentally knocked over the medical equipment next to him: "What did you and BB Bird do!"

"Oh... I... I... BB doesn't usually rush like this. I'm currently checking the cause." The big-nosed BOY shook his head nervously.

Incidentally, because there is no support from the mentor, Jasky must manage order as a picket and cannot come here.

"Master Toosby Rabbit, please don't get mad." ..." Little teacup princess hurriedly and grabbed his arm.

"Why not get worried? The producer caused an accident in training! Do you know how serious the news will be if it gets out!"

"Oh woo woo...I'm sorry..."

"We managed to suppress the incident of the bus attack, but now that such incidents are reported, the talent competition contract may be pause, do you know that!"

"I'm sorry..." Big Nose BOY looked so guilty that he was about to cry.

"Stop being sorry all the time! If the Red Queen calls, or if war breaks out, your sorry won't help!"

Thinking of the irreversible things done by a big producer, the more he spoke, the more angry he became. He lost his mind and grabbed the collar of Big Nose BOY and shouted: "What are we working so hard for? We can't even be a producer. Alright, everyone's hard work is ruined in your hands...!"


Amisa sat up from the bed and separated the two, her bangs covered her expression, she found a blank booklet and a pen on the table next to her, picked it up and wrote down a sentence: "Don't let anger take in charge of your mind."

"Ha... ha... idiot... I can't read..." In order to try to calm himself down, the Toosb turned to the back and stopped talking, including the big nose BOY and the ..." Little teacup princess. It seems that the people here can't read Chinese, so Toosb accepted the note and said, "Amisa said, don't let anger take in charge of your mind."

"I'm fine now, I just need to be alone, please don't follow me. Toosb helped to read out the contents of the note. Amisa stood up, smiled wryly and refused Mido who wanted to follow, entrusted it to Toosb, and walked out of the infirmary alone without looking back.

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