Chapter 10, Five Dust Escape Room★Part 13

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Part 13. The fifth dust—Key of the heart

Amisa opened her eyes and found herself floating alone in a pitch-black space.

"Who are you?"

The voice originated in her mind, like a subconscious question and answer. Amisa felt a sense of confusion within her. "I... I'm not sure either. Maybe I knew before, but now I can't explain myself."


"So much has happened, and I feel like I haven't been myself lately. I don't know what's happened to me..."


"How can I explain? Who in this world can truly explain themselves?"

"Ability and inability exist only in a single thought."

Suddenly, countless points of light appeared before her, shimmering in various colors like stars in the universe. As time quickly passed, the points of light arranged themselves into twelve orbs: gold, silver, white, purple, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, pink, red, and black. The orbs rotated around Amisa in both clockwisdom and counterclockwisdom directions, resembling the movements of planets.

"You must explore more."

"Explore? What am I supposed to explore?" Amisa's gaze was captivated by this dreamlike spectacle.

"Explore yourself. You... are deeper than you think."

"What do you mean by 'deeper than I think'?" Amisa asked, feeling perplexed.

"Ask again, who... are... you!" The voice resonated like a tsunami, and the twelve orbs that were orbiting began to fly chaotically, emitting blinding light that made it difficult for Amisa to keep her eyes open.

"So... so bright!" Amisa waved her hand, trying to push away the orbs, but the voice continued to echo in her mind.

"Who are you!"


"Who are you!"

"I... I am Amisa─────"


"Wow, it's beautiful..." Inside, there was a microphone enveloped by the white crystal sphere, and a smiley heart-shaped pendant on the chest, glowing with a faint light. Amisa hesitated but reached into her own silhouette and took out a blue crystal sphere.

As soon as the crystal sphere was taken out, the white silhouette dispersed into countless morning stars, illuminating the entire space. At that moment, Amisa noticed that Jasky and Toosb were standing beside her, each holding a yellow crystal sphere enveloping a guitar and a red crystal sphere enveloping a jazz drum.

They looked at each other hesitantly, and Amisa was the first to speak: "Did you also dream about it? The picnic on the grassland..."

"Yeah, we did," Toosb said. "I didn't expect that we knew each other since we were kids. I always felt a familiar connection with you all. Right, Shy Boy? Ahahaha!"

"It's amazing... even though we've been apart for so long, we meet again in this fantastical world. It feels like it was destined," Amisa reflected.

Then the three of them noticed a door not far ahead with the words "Heart Key" written on it.

"It seems like this is the final challenge," Jasky said.

"But how do we open the door without a key?" Toosb asked.

Amisa walked forward without hesitation, placing her hand on the doorknob and looking back at the other two: "You both should also place your hands here."

Jasky and Toosb hesitated for a moment, then nodded at each other and joined Amisa in grasping the doorknob. Amisa took a deep breath. "I think... the key to this door is us."

The three hands simultaneously turned to the right, and the door opened with a creak. A large amount of smoke filled the room, accompanied by the mature voice of an elderly man: "The Trial of the Five Elements, only by awakening the five senses and self-awareness can you open the 'Body Sleep Door'."

On top of a mushroom, there lay a giant caterpillar with a black face and a blue body, smoking a pipe. "Congratulations on passing the Trial of the Five Elements. Welcome to my Library Seam. I am the wisdom caterpillar of White City, Wisdom Caterpillar."

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