Chapter 9, White castle table★Part 4

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Part 4. City of Art

The White Castle Table is a three-tiered circular city suspended by the World Heart Tree. It consists of the Innermost Ring, Middle Ring, and Outermost Ring, representing different sections for the Civilians, Nobility, and Monarchy.

Here is the translation of the provided text:

Civilians: The lowest tier of the city, connected to the entrance by the Butterfly Cake Iron Bridge. It is divided into three ring areas: the Innermost Ring, Middle Ring, and Outermost Ring.

The Innermost Ring is a circular plaza surrounding the Silver Heart Tree, with white sugar bowl telephone booths for communication and shuttle cups that seemingly function as elevators. It also serves as the designated location for the fifth stage of the Dining Car Parade.

The Middle Ring comprises Éclairs Street and the Flower Shop District. Éclairs Street is a residential area for the civilians, consisting of various monotonous tea utensil and dessert buildings such as the Coffee Cup House, Teapot House, Wine Bottle Bar, Chocolate Éclair House, and Cream Puff House. The Flower Shop District, a civilian commercial area, features streetlight trees that emit white light and various old streets, including the Dragonfly Horse Accessories Shop and Wine Bottle Bar. The prominent landmark is the Trifle Norwich Cathedral.

The Outermost Ring is adjacent to the Chess Cream Puff Tower and is filled with various livestock and agricultural processing factories. It is inhabited by civilians with features resembling cute animals. Walking a few steps will lead to a crowded croissant sheep herd, hence the name Lightning Ranch.

Nobility: Located in the middle second tier, divided into the Left Hemisphere and the Right Hemisphere.

The Left Hemisphere is a noble residential area consisting of luxurious buildings, including stacked four-corner cake mansions. It also features the Maslow Bookstore, the iconic Charlotte Royale Opera House, and the Milk Fountain Square, where many street performers entertain the crowd. Nearby is the Teacup Kitchen Rainbow Cake store, fulfilling the performers' costume needs.

The Right Hemisphere is a second-hand market called the Macaron Dessert Market, composed of various macaron dessert stalls. It sells high-quality ingredients, dreamware, and daily goods. If the civilians want to purchase high-end processed products, they need to travel through the shuttle cups to the Nobility section. At the end of the market stands the Eiffel Cake Tower, the largest food chain supply factory, managed by the Royal Chef, Mr. Bagel Recipe.

Monarchy: The topmost tier, where the royal residence, the Bukingham Palace, stands.

It extends upward from the exquisite emerald white fabric slope, and from a distance, one can admire the grand and magnificent Bukingham Palace with its distinct dessert characteristics. At the top of the castle's central high tower, there is the Astronomical Clock adorned with sun and moon globes—an hourglass. It is said that the hourglass replaced the original astronomical clock. Every 12 hours, the hourglass turns over, and people can hear the lingering sound of the clock.

Throughout the explanation, Frog Matcha occasionally interrupts and supplements the information provided by Jasky, resulting in a somewhat disjointed narrative.

Suddenly, Frog Matcha stops and says excitedly, "Ribbit! The timing couldn't be better! The exciting part is about to begin!"

"?": "What a magnificent spectacle?" Amisa and Toosb tilted their heads in confusion.

Jasky pulled out the organized data and began to explain, "Queen Elizabeth will go on a procession during special holidays. It is said that the Inner Heart Tree will descend from its original three-tiered discs and transform into a single-tiered metropolis, symbolizing the unity of spirit with the citizens."

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