Chapter 9, White castle table★Part 7

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Part 7. The Ark of the Covenant

"I always feel..." From the moment Amisa stepped into the church, she could feel attracted by something. When the White Queen and the old general left and left me alone, this attraction became even stronger.

MiDo also felt it, but it seemed quite repulsive. Amisa ignored the bitten hair and walked up the steps to the Ark of the Covenant. There was a white English Bible on it. attract:

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

"...Do you mean unconditional trust? "Amisa thinks of her own spiritual words, as long as you believe, your dreams will be attracted.

"But...Mr. Black Feather said..." The words of Black Feather echoed in his mind. In fact, this made Amisa suffer psychologically, and the attraction of fascination also resonated with the psychological suffering. The more intense it seemed, the more it could feel that the thing came from the Ark of the Covenant.

Note: The Ark of the Convenant, also known as the "Ark of the Law", is similar to the sacred objects of the ancient Israeli nation

At this time, a tiny light in the middle of the huge cross shone directly on a certain part of the Ark. Amisa squatted down and took a closer look at the illuminated place, and found a heart-shaped groove in the corner.

A drop of sweat slid down her cheeks. Amisa picked up the love pendant for comparison, and found that the groove matched the size of the pendant. She stuffed it in with the mentality of giving it a try, and it just stuck: "How... how is it possible? 』

Rumble rumble rumble ──────

The whole church rang, the ark moved back automatically, and then there was a staircase leading to the cellar below. The attraction came from below. Mi Dou didn't dare to follow, so Amisa shrugged and walked down.

This is a basement with a long history. There are all kinds of old pots, tea sets, dishes, glass bottles, small speakers and other strange utensils around. They are either missing or damaged. They are not so much old as they are. Antiques.

All the way to the end of the search, there is a painting in the corner. It is a girl with blond hair and armor holding a sword against an ugly dragon. portrait painting.

"This hairstyle... looks like the Alice in the Kenwood House... Could it be that she is the Holy Alice that everyone calls?" Although the girl in the painting is only painted on the back, Amisa found that the hairstyle of the girl in the painting is exactly the same as that of Alice in the Kenwood House, and the fascination flowing from her heart is far stronger than when she first arrived in the basement, and even appeared A voice kept urging her that something was inside this mysterious painting.

Amisa carefully stretched out her hand to disassemble the painting, and found that there was really something lying in the groove of the frame. It had a black handle and frame, and the black mirror was crystal clear but could not reflect anything. Biting chill, it's a black mirror.

"Could this be what Mr. Kurobaren said..." Amisa picked up the mirror without saying a word, and the next moment...

"What's wrong! 』The mirror screamed miserably without warning, and a large amount of black current tightly wrapped around the arm that was held, and the whole body seemed to be sucked in and could not break free. Negative memories flashed into Amisa's mind instantly:

Isn't the LOGO just a pattern? How much time does it take?

Remember how screwed child actors were back then?

Doesn't it mean that no child can sing better than you? Now dare to take this kind of thing to see people?

"don't want......! ' Amisa resisted the flood of negative memories with sheer force of will, and it felt like the darkness was swallowing up the positive emotions.

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