Chapter 8 , The Secret of the Tiramisu Frontier House Part 2

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Part 2. Lobster Square Dance

In the fourth stage, the group assessment must be performed by the instructor, which is divided into singing, dancing, rap and other items. Rabbit's specialty is rap, so group C's performance must be mainly rap.

The trainees of Group C sat in a row in front of the Toothy Rabbit, and Toosb sat in the middle to separate White castle table from the Red Heart trainees. Even so, Little Cha Ji still clung to Amisa's arm in fear.

Although the atmosphere was tense, Toothy Rabbit didn't intend to ignore it, and cut directly to the topic and said, "There are seven idiots in total, right? Since we're going to be on stage together, let's introduce ourselves and get to know each other."

"Damn it, who wants to introduce himself to the people of White castle table.."

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

Toothy Rabbit blew the horn wildly, and the lion man with keen hearing couldn't help but cover his ears: "The rap instructor is not allowed to whisper, it starts with you! Introduce yourself to me!"

"Damn it..." the lion man reluctantly introduced himself: "I am a lion man, and my real name is Eccles."

"Unicorn girl, Soufflé." The unicorn girl answered very frankly.

"I am Liondove, and my real name is Cornish"

"Fake...fake turtle...real name is Parkin"

"Amisa, real name is Alice Misha."

"Little Tea Princess, whose real name is Joanne. Vanilla lol..."

"My name is Toosb, and my real name is Toosb hahahahahahaha!"

Toosb thought it was too much fun and laughed out loud. Everyone looked at him speechlessly. The Toothy Rabbit nodded in satisfaction and said, "Very good! As you can see, this performance must focus on rap, but you seem to be interested in rap I don't know anything, let's talk about how dream power is used in rap."

"Hmph! Of course, focus on the facial muscles and use dream power to strengthen them, and then use dream power to conduct and stabilize the words!" The unicorn girl said proudly.

"The unicorn girl student is very conceptual, but the fourth stage is not a solo show. As the name suggests, the group assessment is based on group scores. The seven of you must work together to pass the test."

"Damn it! Who made these bad rules!" the lion man complained.


"Master of your 18th generation ancestor country! You deserve a beating!" The Toothy Rabbit blew the horn at the Lion Man again, and Toosb snickered beside him.

"Hey! That's why we just wanted to beat them away..." The unicorn girl stared at Amisa and Little Tea Princess with narrow eyes.

"Big, big, big big rap teacher, this way!" Toosb waved wildly.

"This little idiot... Cough! I mean, what do you think, Mr. Usagi?"

"Hey!" Toosb jumped to the Lion Dove and the Fake Turtle with a beautiful somersault, took out a booklet from them and handed it to Toothy Rabbit. It was the dance book that Amisa had snatched: "This Dance is great for rap practice."

"Wait! Toosb!" Shijiu waved nervously.

"Lobster square dance?"

Toosb assisted in turning the page of the dance book: "Teacher Toothy Rabbit, please take a look, this dance is to prepare a butter lobster for each dance, and toss and catch the lobster while circling around..."

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