Chapter 8 , The Secret of the Tiramisu Frontier House★Part 1

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Part 1. Rhythm Hairdresser

The specifications of the C-rated orange jelly classroom are completely different from those of the kiwi fruit classroom. The whole room is filled with the sweet but not greasy fragrance of orange, and there are also orange peel wardrobes, jelly chairs, orange recording balloons, etc.

But Amisa had no time to pay attention to those. When she first came to the classroom, she noticed that the little teacup princess was lying at the door covered in bruises. She was so frightened that she ran over nervously to help her up: "Little teacup princess!"

" Cup...Miss Amisa..."

"Yo~ I've been waiting for you for a long time~ Spit~~~~~~" The unicorn girl greeted in a disdainful tone, she put a lollipop in her mouth, and leaned against the classroom wall with the lion boy, rubbing their fists with an evil smile , the Griffon and the Mock Turtle
nestled in the back and remained silent.

"You... are also C-rank?" Amisa found the orange armband on the arm of the man with a red heart, and hurriedly protected Little Teacup Princess behind her.

"Of course~ Do you think it's just talk that we want to compete for the championship?"

"It's me who has a problem with you, why do you bully the little teacup princess?"

"Little Teacup Princess? Oh~ That's just in the back~ She didn't do anything, but all of you hypocritical White castle table people owe you a fight~" The unicorn girl was full of murderous looks, but Amisa responded without showing any weakness: "Just because it is People from White castle table just beat her? They attack innocent people regardless of right and wrong, no wonder everyone hates you Heartiest people, you are barbaric people who only pick on the weak and bully..."


The unicorn girl punched the orange-peel closet next to her: "Pay attention to your tone, woman. What you say is what you White castle table people are doing~ You are the least qualified to say this!"

The lion man also said angrily: "It's hateful! I don't think about what you White castle table people did to our little brother! It's polite to give her this little injury!"

"What did you do? Didn't they just laugh?"

"Smile? You just have to laugh!" The unicorn girl was murderous, and the little teacup girl was so frightened that she hugged Amisa's arm: "Miss Amisa, I'm fine, please stop talking..."

The unicorn woman's eyes were bloodshot: "Lion man! This lesson is not enough! Souffle's long knife is like an image!"

"Damn it! The Eccles pistol is concretized!" The unicorn girl once again concretized the long knife, and the lion man also took out the flaming trident gun with both hands: "Thinking of the self-righteous and disgusting face of the White castle table people, I am so angry! This time I must tear you apart!"

"Miss Amisa... let's escape first!"

"No." Amisa stood in front of The little teacup princess: "I'll stop them, you hurry up and call the mentor and the picket."

"Cup! How can this work!"

"There is no time, you are seriously injured, go!"

thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump——————

The hurried footsteps of the unicorn woman and the lion man can already be heard: "Look, let's kill you!" "Damn it! Tear you apart!"

"Let's go!" Amisa grabbed the teacup behind the little tea girl and threw her hand out, facing the unicorn girl and lion man who rushed over, the little tea girl shouted nervously: "Come help me───── "

"Rhythmic hairdresser is here too~ dream power is strengthened!"

The long ears of the white rabbit are particularly conspicuous. A bunny boy with jet-black messy hair, wearing a black bow tie, a pure white suit jacket and black striped trousers comes out from beside Amisa and flies towards the unicorn girl and the lion boy. Jumping over: "Wow~~~~~ Quickly help me brake! Unicorn girl! Lion boy!"


"Wow!" Thanks to the impact of the rabbit boy, the unicorn girl and the lion boy were forced to fall backwards.

"Don't rush out for us all of a sudden! Toosb!"

"Damn it~ We are hunting! You silly rabbit!"

Toosb jumped up at a fast speed, and stuck out his tongue embarrassedly: "Hahaha~ Sorry! I was just trying to see how fast my dream power can be strengthened, but I couldn't stop. Are my dear friends all right?"

"Ah? Didn't we teach you several times?"

"Damn it! The unicorn female teacher didn't even listen in class!"

After interacting with Toosb, the unicorn girl and the lion boy lost all their murderous intent.

"... Toosb?" Another familiar figure appeared in front of her eyes, and Amisa realized to her surprise that the cafeteria was right.

"Hi! Long time no see! Did you catch the plane smoothly?" Toosb's reaction was very natural when he saw Amisa, as if he didn't take coming to another world seriously.

At this moment, Griffon said: "I do you greet the people of White castle table, they attacked us yesterday!"

"And... want to... tear up our... dance book..." the fake turtle stammered.

"Oh~ I think it's a misunderstanding~ After all, we are all good friends, so why bother fighting, let's practice together in the classroom, haha!"

Amisa was embarrassed to knock on Toosb's shoulder: "That... Toosb. Actually, I am Bai who lost his memory..."

"Hateful! Who are friends with the people of White castle table!" The lion man picked up the three-pronged gun angrily, and saw Toosb showing a thoughtful expression, and then clapped his hands and laughed: "Hahaha~~~ Is that so? That's right, before If we are not friends, we can all be good friends now!"

"Is it time to laugh now..." Amisa protected Little Teacup Princess and hid behind Toosb.

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" Toosb, let's go." The unicorn girl bit the lollipop into pieces, pointed her long knife at Toosb with a horrified expression, "Because you are a heart person, we don't intend to hurt you, but if you dare to hinder us ..."

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

"Idiots~ are you all crowded at the door of the classroom to deserve a beating?" Toothy Rabbit appeared from behind, holding a small horn with a flag tied in his hand - Brandy Snaps Horn.

"Cup! Rabbit Tutor!" "Little Teacup Princess said in surprise.

"I'm your rap instructor, Toothy Rabbit, all return to the classroom!"

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

The Toothy Rabbit frantically blows the loud trumpet to drive people away. The Unicorn Girl turns around and enters the classroom without saying a word. Heart.

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