Chapter 6 , Red and white talent battle★Part 2

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Part 2. second stage - the audition group

"Welcome to the second stage of the Red and White Talent Competition - the audition group, I am the rap tutor - Brandy, please also call me the Rabbit tutor, each trainee can show off their unique skills on the stage in anyway."

"I am the host and judge of this competition - Duke Sophie Grey. Please also call me Duchess Sophie. We will give you grades A, B, C, D, E, F based on your performance. In short, An A rating the best, an F indicating the worst."

"I see, but I am so experienced in singing, no matter what, I will at least have a C rank~" Amisa said confidently in her heart.

"Ooh, although...even though I have dealt with in the forest, I'd better introduce myself carefully, I'm the producer of the Red...Red and White Talent Competition -- Erik Grey. , during the competition, please call me big... big producer, please do your best. The last trainee!" Big nose BOY took out his big quill.

Amisa looked curiously at the two black and white balloons to the right: "Excuse me, why the other two judges are balloons?"

"Ah, you haven't watched the live broadcast balloon?" Tooth Rabbit complained angrily.

"The two instructors were inconvenient to come because of their official business, so they watched your performance through the live broadcast balloon. The black and white straight recording balloon can record all sounds and images at the same time, and has a streaming function. Don't you recognize these daily items?" The Duchess narrowed her eyes solemnly, and the big nose BOY hurriedly smoothed out: "Oh, please .. The trainee will briefly introduce herself first."

"My name is..." Duchess Sophie's reproachful tone made Amisa felt inexplicable. She had no idea why she was here, and so many unreasonable things happened just by playing the Heart Dream app.

However, as a singer, she has no reason to miss any performance opportunities, so for the time being, this situation was regarded as a game. As for whether to call Alice according to the "heart dream storybook", or to name her real name, she decided act on her role, and it might trigger other quest: "Hello everyone, I'm the one who plays Alice..."

"Of course, another Alice. There are really various versions of Alice this year." Tooth Rabbit replied angrily with his right hand protruding with his chin raised.

"Sure enough?" Amisa was at a loss. "Wait...Isn't Alice the only one?"

"Idiot! Of course not! Alice is the legendary Saint, and everyone wants to be her!"

"Alice is the Holy One? What a strange setting...I'm confused..."

"What the hell is this child talking about?" Duchess Sophie tapped her fingers impatiently on the table, watching her mother's expression getting more and more ugly, Big Nose Boy tried to encourage and ease the atmosphere: "Oh, from...from this well-dressed It can be seen that you really want to play a good Alice, but you can consider adding your own style to the name, so that it will be easier for everyone to remember you."


"Yes, although... although everyone wants to be the Holy Alice, you can... be a different Alice."

"..." Hearing the tone of the big producer, she didn't seem to think of herself as a heroine, and she kept thinking about whether to call Alice or Amisa, or whether there was a good compromise, and suddenly she had an inspiration. Suddenly: "Love...Alice Amisa! My full name is Alice Amisa, please call me Amisa."

"Oh, that's really... a really great name! You... your parents should be happy." Big Nose Boy nodded in satisfaction, and Duchess Sophie didn't say anything more.

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