Chapter 11, The Sleepwalker★Part 2

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Part 2. Who are you?

Toosb's sudden prostration, in stark contrast to his usual playful attitude, left Jasky bewildered: "What are you doing? Get up, I am not the queen."

"No! I will continue to kneel until you forgive me. We need your help, we are at our wit's end!"

"What are you talking about, Toosb?" "You silly rabbit, what nonsense are you spouting!"

Amisa and Jasky tried to pull Toosb up, but he remained unmoved, continuing to kneel and pleading: "We need the knowledge here. March Hare insisted on finding you, and the most beautiful pink vocal instructor also wants to consult you. Although I am foolish, I still understand the urgency of the matter. So please, Professor Wisdom Caterpillar!"

"He knows nothing at all, please stop making a scene, can we?" "The important thing now is to quickly get the pass."

"No! Professor Wisdom Caterpillar must know, that's why we were allowed to visit here after going through the ordeal."

"..." Wisdom Caterpillar took a drag of his cigarette, feigning composure as he asked, "But my Five Dusts Trial has dug into your wounds, made you experience the edge of life and death. Don't you hate me for that?"]

Toosb raised his head, revealing his signature silly smile: "To be honest, this trial has been really painful for me, but I think instead of dwelling on the pain, it's better to think about what this trial has brought me."

"Oh?" Wisdom Caterpillar, who had been casually smoking, suddenly stopped and raised an eyebrow inquisitively, asking, "Explain."

Toosb recalled the tacit cooperation with his companions in the First Dust, the hidden voice in the Second Dust, and his father in the Third Dust infirmary, and rarely showed a more emotional expression: "I feel... it made me understand that people actually need bonds, need to listen to the voice inside, and need to face things they didn't want to face originally."

Wisdom Caterpillar didn't change his expression, but emitted a line of characters with his cigarette smoke: "Answer me, young one, who are you?"

"I am..." Toosb gently raised his red crystal ball: "Rhythmic hairstylist Toosb! I specialize in dance and hairdressing. I have the power to bring positivity and help friends overcome negative emotions. I believe this ability can help me face various challenges without being defeated. That's why I want to ask you to unravel the mysterious veil of this dream."

Wisdom Caterpillar nodded approvingly: "Well said, young one."

Perhaps influenced by Toosb's positivity, Wisdom Caterpillar changed his lazy attitude and showed an imposing demeanor in front of everyone. He waved his pipe, causing a large amount of smoke to swirl clockwise around him: "I am the top intellect in this world, also serving as a guide. I will never do anything harmful to you. Instead, I will teach you all the knowledge here. It is up to you to choose whether to believe in me or to rely solely on yourselves and make a decision!"

"..." Amisa was so taken aback by the weight of his words that she couldn't speak.

Even Jasky, who usually had an expressionless face, showed a hint of hesitation. He calmly recalled the process of passing the Five Dusts Trial: 'Despite many unpleasant traumatic experiences, did I indeed learn and grow from them?'

"Jasky! Amisa!" Toosb suddenly shouted their names, "If Professor Wisdom Caterpillar really wanted to harm us during the trial, why would he give us the appropriate time to pass? Why would he save us with his cigarette at the critical moment, and why would he evoke memories of our childhood friendship? You must know better than me, who has a simple mind, right!"

"Don't shout, silly rabbit..." Jasky's expression was wavering.

"Jasky," Amisa looked at Mido, which had flown into her hand. "We indeed know nothing about the people and things in this world. Perhaps... we don't need to wander around like headless flies anymore."

"..." Jasky didn't know how to react, but he saw Amisa, following Toosb's lead, kneeling in front of Wisdom Caterpillar, saying with a tone of longing for release, "My name is Amisa. I acted unusually earlier because I was too anxious. I hope you can forgive me, Wisdom Caterpillar."

"Wait a minute, child, I didn't ask you to kneel..."

Jasky finally also held his breath and bowed deeply to Wisdom Caterpillar to apologize to the fullest extent, "My name is Jasky. Please forgive my rude behavior. Our logic and knowledge are completely ineffective here. I hope you can be generous and let us seize this hard-won opportunity."

"Alright, I got it, don't kneel even you!" Wisdom Caterpillar quickly conjured up a mushroom chair with three strands of cigarette smoke. "I forgive you all, get up and sit down."

The three of them changed their attitudes from when they first entered, each concentrating deeply. Wisdom Caterpillar nodded, once again posing a question to Amisa and Jasky, "Tell me, who are you?"

"Dessert magician Jasky," Jasky rarely answered first. "I specialize in baking and magic, adept at using logical reasoning to solve puzzles. But this trial has also made me realize that I still have many shortcomings. I hope you can guide us."

"Amisa." Amisa also followed up with an answer, "I specialize in drawing and singing, I have... I have... strange?" Amisa's mind suddenly involuntarily flooded with negative traumas from various trial experiences. She answered painfully, rubbing her forehead and becoming squeamish.

"That's enough, Amisa. It seems that Wisdom Caterpillar also noticed the anomaly, so he didn't force her this time. He took off his glasses and academic cap with his cigarette smoke and said, 'At least you are all a little more awake now, so I can teach with peace of mind.'

"Teach? The three of them looked at each other in confusion."

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