Chapter 5 ,Cutlery Black Forest Part 2

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Part 2. Beasts in the Black Forest

"That..." Amisa has been surrounded by a group of wolves with walnut bodies. Compared with the lobsters just now, these Walnut Wolfs show white fangs and stare at them. MiDo is frightened and hides in her hair. She pretends to be calm and does not dare to act rashly. As the wolves gradually enter, she can feel that she is regarded as a prey. She thinks that perhaps all creatures here are as intelligent as Mi Dou, Try to communicate with the wolves: "Isn't there a pile of food on the ground... there are stone cakes... crispy weeds... strawberry crispy cuckoo..."

The wolves, like thirsty beasts, approached slowly, and she could only step back slowly, until the weeds at her feet heard a cracking sound


Amisa quickly turned around and ran out of the wolves.


A dark leader wolf howled and made the Walnut Wolves chase him.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!" Amisa ran with all her strength, and the Walnut Wolves were orderly divided into left, middle and right teams to catch up, blocking all the escape routes of the prey.

"I've had enough! What a ghost forest

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa~~~~~~~~~

There was another rain, and the fog became thick again, but it did not affect the vision of the Walnut Wolf. The wolves on the left and right had already overtaken, and there was only a thin line between them and Amisa.

Jojo Mi Dou bit her hair and pulled it to the right.

"Don't mess up, Mi Dou... Eh?" Looking to the right, I found an obvious black dead tree not far away.

"That way? But we have to find a way to turn first!" At this time, she found a short branch just in front of her. Amisa had an idea. She grabbed the branch as the axis and kicked a walnut wolf away.



Ow, Ow, Ow!

The wolf also rolled towards the other wolves rushing towards the rear, which hit Amisa's plan: "Very good! Just like this... Eh?"

At the moment of collision, all wolves like turtles retracted their heads, tails and limbs into walnuts. After each walnut collided, it rolled towards Amisa, and then returned to wolves.

"What the hell is that?" Amisa could only run towards the dead wood. A strong smell of garlic came to her nose. A closer look showed that this was a huge marsh formed by pesto sauce, and the dead wood itself was sinking at a very slow speed. When she was approaching the critical point, she jumped: "Wow!"


Finally, he succeeded in jumping onto the driftwood. The leader wolf immediately ordered the team to stop, and then ordered the wolves to linger on the shore and wait, almost taking Amisa as the prey that must be captured.

"Why do you have to catch me... Take a deep breath... The law of attraction requires you to keep positive in case of adversity, so that miracles will be attracted to you..." Amisa grabbed the trunk of the floating tree and persuaded her to calm down at a critical moment to avoid being hurt by panic. She tried to look around to see if there were any other landing points, and soon found something floating on the marsh surface not far away.

"Great!" He got up to jump, but was stopped by Mi Dou who bit his hair.

"What are you doing?" The object just emerged is moving towards here rapidly, and its volume is getting larger and larger as the distance gets closer.

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