Chapter 8 , The Secret of the Tiramisu Frontier House★Part 5

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Part 5. The fourth stage - group assessment

The competition venue came back to the Pudding Cup stage again, and the remaining five groups were eager to try and prepare for the next challenge.

After drawing the orders, Group C was placed in the last group. Everyone waited behind the stage. After a series of practice sessions, everyone chatted to each other.

"Hmph! Don't think we agree with you! That you can hold us back when we perform!" the unicorn girl crossed her arms and said in a threatening tone~~~~.

"Actually...she said she disagreed with you, means she acturally agrees with ya. haha." Toosb whispered to Amisa beside her.

"Toosb! talk too much!"

Amisa nodded as if she came to a conclusion: "So this is the legendary... Proud."

The instructors practiced the trainees to show more abundant performances, and each group also performed with all their strength, but the number of performers on stage was far less than the original number of promoted. Just like group E, there were only two trainees performing, due to the number of people. The brilliance was far less rich than the third stage. Even the most favored Group A seems to have internal conflicts, and the whole performance has lost the tacit understanding of the previous performance.

It was due to the results of mixing groups since the fourth stage. Although there were mentors to assist, it was still difficult to avoid the conflict between Red Heart and White City. At least one trainee in each group could not stand the pressure and retired. It could also be seen from the expressions of the instructors, the performance was not smooth.

"You said group A is causing internal strife? Aren't they the only group with all white city trainees?" Duchess Sophie was surprised and asked the big producer Big Nose BOY next to her: "Oh, mother, yes, because William took the lead to harass the trainees in other groups, for some reason, student Jasky was very...very angry, and the two of them have been fighting...till now."

"Oh my God, what the hell is going on here?"

Big Nose BOY took out the list of trainees: "Ou... Mother, mixed groups are problems that have always been encountered in the past. At present, one person has been retired from Group B, and two have left from Group D... , Group E retreated three places."

"What about the situation in Group C? It should be half there, right?" Duchess Sophie looked at Toosb, but instead he said excitedly: "Reporting to Duchess Sophie, my idiot friends are completely unexpected, all members of Group C are here to perform!"

"Oh?" "What did you say!" Big Nose BOY and Duchess Sophie were so shocked that they could not speak. According to previous situations, Group C with the largest number of people was the most likely to clash when there were exceed more than half of Red Hearts and White City. It wouldn't be a surprise if half of them dropped out.

"The little idiots are stupid, but they are very serious about my rap teaching, so they have almost practiced the performance. There are many reasons, such as the coordination of Toosby and Amisa and the unicorn girl taking the lead. Reaching a settlement is really the most incredible phenomenon I have ever seen."

"The last trainee again? Oh my God, the day is about to collapse. It sounds unbelievable that White City and Red Heart can reconcile." Duchess Sophie stared at those chatting naturally regardless of race in the background Group C.

After the performance of Group E, it was the turn of Group C. The news that no one had withdrawn reached the ears of all the trainees. Everyone took advantage of the dimmed lights to chat among themselves in the audience, looking forward to this strange event.

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