Chapter 7 , The mission of White City trainees★Part2

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Part2. White Code

The Almond Pudding church was located behind the pudding cups. The whole room exudes the fragrance of almonds. As far as the eye could see, the seats are full of trainees dressed in high-end nobel clothes. Little teacup princess took Amisa to the front seat.

William came on stage as the representative of white castle trainees. He was the second place in the Red and White Talent Competition, second only to Jasky, which made him feel very uncomfortable. He took out a beautifully packaged portable white booklet from his arms, and then he raised his luminous dream tool - the Eton Mess ring , and used dream power to conduct sound amplification: "Honorable white castle people! Please open the White Code and recite the statute with me."

All the white castle people picked up the White Code they carried with them and recited it in unison (Amisa read Little teacup princess's code). The rules are as follows:

1. You should always be loyal to the orthodox king, and you should not recognize other people as kings.

2. Do not tell lies, be honest.

3. There should be a sense of public welfare and justice, and no partiality should be allowed.

4. When honoring parents, one day out of every seven days should be designated as a family rest day, and all work should be put aside to reunite with the family.

5. Do not kill at all. All birds and beasts in the sky, in the river and on the ground should be treated with respect.

6. Stay noble temperament, compassion and holy spirit.

7. Do not steal. Do not steal other people's property without their permission.

8. Do not covet other people's houses, property, or country.

9. Do not get close to heretics, but treat them as enemies and keep them at a respectful distance.

10. Learning from the example of the holy man, facing challenges with the courage to undertake, sacrifice and dedication.

The Code was similar to the concept of the Ten Commandments. After the recitation, William carefully closed the white code, and continued to hold the ring to enter the next stage: "Dignified white castle people! Please stand up! Let's sing the response poem "Glory to the White City" together."

Mercy and love, Queen Elizabeth

Easy to approach, gentle and warm-hearted, strong,

Meet Holy Alice, build a white table city,

Establish a white code and statute, and enjoy peace and security for the people.

Evil Heretic, Queen Mary Red,

Monopoly dictatorship, ferocious beheading tyrant,

Sit on the deck of cards and build the fort of Strasbourg,

She covets white castle all the time, waiting for an opportunity to invade.

Distinguished white castle people! You should be vigilant.

Sworn to protect the homeland, won the talent contest champion.

Let's fight! May the days of peace last forever.

Eliminate heresy and welcome the light.

After singing the praises, William took the lead in shouting: "Swear not to let heretic Red Hearts win the championship!"

"Swear not to let the heretic Red Hearts win the championship!" The white castle trainees in the audience responded, and the scene was majestic. Everyone in white castle, including John, Margaret, and others were very indignant, except for Jasky, who was expressionless.

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