Chapter 10, Five Dust Escape Room★Part 3

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Part 3. First Layer of dust-Seeing the Heart key

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

"Oh, Mido... Sorry, I forgot you were in my hair."

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

"Alright, I'm getting up..."

Amisa lay on a double bed with a table full of sketchbooks beside it. In front of her, the floor was covered with a large white canvas, and around it were over a hundred small cabinets with numbered labels. At the very front, there was a TV from the 1990s, with four large characters pasted above it:

"Between the Eye wealth... Oh!" Amisa instinctively covered her mouth.

"You're awake! This bed is huge!" Toosb happily jumped up and down on the bed.

"Were you talking about just now?" Jasky flipped through the small booklet on the table.

"Testing... I... can talk?" Amisa tried to speak and realized that the voice was not her own. Instead, it sounded like an echo she had heard while unconscious. "This voice... Could it be from that time..."

"The voice of an opera..." Jasky narrowed his eyes.

"Huh? The voice of an opera?"

"Oh, it's nothing."

"Anyway!" Toosb cheerfully held Amisa's hand, who was still dazed, and jumped on the bed. "You can talk now, hahaha!"

"Huh? Oh... thank you..."

Jasky killed the excitement and said, "Silly rabbit, don't get too excited. Look around us, the bed, the TV, the art supplies. These are things that exist in our world, right?"

"Could it be that we're back?" Amisa touched the lively Mido. "No, this little one is still here, and Mr. Frog's shoes are here too."

"Regardless, there's one important thing." Jasky pointed around the room. "Since a while ago, I haven't been able to find the door..."

Ssss... ssss...

Just as the words were spoken, a large amount of water tobacco appeared once again. The three of them gathered together, remaining vigilant. The water tobacco seemed to have a mind of its own and formed a sequence of text:

First Dust - The Key Witness: Please draw "something that can be seen but is invisible" within 10 minutes. If not completed, the room will collapse.

After the text appeared, the water tobacco transformed into a timer and started counting down.

"Something that can be seen?" Amisa looked at Jasky with confusion.

"But is invisible?" Jasky looked back at Amisa.

"Another riddle game! How fun, hahaha!" Toosb clapped his hands and laughed.


After a while, the entire room began to tremble slightly, and tiny specks of dust fell from the ceiling. Looking at the countdown timer on the stopwatch, Amisa quickly asked, "We only have 10 minutes. What should I draw? Tell me!"

"Something that can be seen but is invisible!" Toosb blurted out without thinking.

"What nonsense! I mean, something that can be seen but invisible... What should I draw?" Amisa complained and shook Toosb, nearly tying her tongue in knots.

"Are you speaking in riddles..." Jasky rubbed his chin, pondering. "Although it can be seen but is invisible, there are too many possible answers... " He observed the furniture around the room. "The bed, the TV, the cabinets, and all these books and art supplies. Do they hold any significance? Or is the key actually..."

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