Extended Epilogue

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Twelve Years Later

?: Dad I did it! I won!
The young boy ran and jumped into his dad's arms.
Pierre: You did! I'm so proud of you son!
Y/n: Jules! My baby you did it! You won your first international karting race!
Jules: First of many

Pierre and Y/n looked at each other and let out a small laugh before turning back to their son.

Pierre: Exactly right, the first of many.

?: Jules, you speedy little man, congratulations.
Jules: Uncle Charles? You came!
Charles: Of course! Wouldn't miss it for the world!
Y/n: Hey Charles, no Arthur?
Arthur: As if I'd miss this

Y/n turned and smiled as Arthur made his way towards them. She hugged both the Leclerc brothers and then turned her attention back towards her son who was now half climbing, half hanging on her husband.

Y/n: My love? What's going on?
Pierre: We were just messing around. What do you say we go get lunch?
Y/n: I think that's a great idea. You joining us?
She turned to Charles and Arthur.
Charles: Of course! Shall we head out

They all walked away from the karting track and soon found themselves at a quiet restaurant around the corner.

Charles: So Pierre, Y/n mentioned you were thinking of stopping racing...
Pierre: Well with all the traveling it's hard to mentor Jules and this little guy right here is going to be the next big thing. Besides, I'm getting closer to the age where retirement in F1 normally happens.
He ruffled his son's hair.
Y/n: We're still discussing that of course but it would be nice to have him around.
Charles: I'll miss you at every race sis. And won't be challenging my best friend on the track anymore will be weird.
Arthur: Well you sure are giving me a run for my money.
Y/n: Exactly! You don't need Pierre when you've got Arthur.
Charles: I suppose so.
Pierre: It'll be weird but I want to. And Charles, I can see you stepping back too one of these days.
Charles: Oh no definitely. Gotta make way for the new generation. Right Arthur?
Arthur: Exactly. How am I supposed to win a world title with you older guys hogging the trophy.
Charles: Haha, one day bro.
Jules: I'm going to win it too! Just like Dad did twice and like Uncle Charles did!
Y/n: Yes you are my boy!
Pierre: And you're going to be a legend one day. Jules Gasly, record breaking driver. I can already see it champ.
Jules: Haha! Uncle Arth, are you closer to a new deal?
Arthur: I am JJ, then I'll finally have a car with a fighting chance.
Pierre: Well we all had to start at the bottom. Anyways guys, this has been a great lunch however we best get going now. My parents want us to come for the weekend.
Charles: Enjoy! We'll see you soon.
Y/n: Love you guys. See you soon

They said their goodbyes and headed on their way. As they walked Y/n's phone rang.

Y/n: It's Jules' director.
Pierre: We'll go ahead.
Pierre took Jules and walked further down the road as Y/n took the call.
Y/n: Hi Anthony?.... Yeah.....Really?....oh my word! Of course.... Right away!..... perfect!...... thank you so much! See you soon!

She ended the call and ran up to her son.

Y/n: Jules! You're going to be a formula driver in training!
Jules: Wait what?!
Pierre: The academy called?
Y/n: They sure did! They believe there's potential and would love to start you up in their F4 driver training program!
Pierre: Jules that's amazing!
Jules: I can't believe it!
Y/n: You deserve it sweetie. You're an excellent driver
Jules: Well I learnt from the best.

Pierre smiled down at his son and Y/n decided that a walk on the beach is the perfect way to celebrate. They headed down to the beach, sat on the sand watching the sunset and took a few photos.



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Our Little Legend is going to be the next biggest Gasly. From International Karting wins to new deals in the Formula 4 Academy. My heart is full of pride and joy. 🥹❤️

@CharlesLeclerc: The man in the making!🥳❤️
💬@Just_Y/n: What can I say😌😂

@ArthurLeclerc: Proud Uncle right here!❤️
💬@Just_Y/n: Uncle Arth you are the best!🥰

@DanielRicciardo: Jules you mighty man! Congratulations on the win and deal🥳
💬@Just_Y/n: Thanks Danny❤️

@MaxVerstappen: If he's not careful he'll beat my record. Better look out racing world. Jules Gasly is writing history as we speak😌🏎️
💬@PierreGasly: Careful now Max. Don't want to ruin the surprise🤫

@SummersFan: Ahh! Congratulations! Proud parents right there!
💬@Just_Y/n: Your endless support is appreciated❤️

As she put her phone away and watched the man of her dreams chasing her son down the shoreline and the two tackling each other in the sand laughing loudly, a happy tear escaped her eye.
She knew she'd always have a long life story filled with surprises, adventures and special moments with Pierre but she'd never have imagined it panning out quite so perfectly.
Her story was messy and she knew it. Her family was little, broken and certainly didn't come with a frame around the photo. There weren't always happy moments and there weren't always good days but with everyone she'd found along the way and those that she'd lost, she'd made it this far and wouldn't go back to change a single thing if she could. She felt Jules with her everyday still and she brought her hand up to her necklace and rolled the picture stone in her fingers remembering the day she had gotten this necklace.
She closed her eyes, taking everything in with the sound of the waves and smiled softly as she heard a familiar voice echo in her mind... 'Be Bold Summy'... and bold she was...

Pierre: Cherie! Come over here!
She opened her eyes at his voice and got up, running over to them. Pierre picked her up and held her close, Jules rushed over and joined the hug. The three of them stood at the waters edge as the sun disappeared below the horizon and for the first time, Y/n felt that missing piece in her heart replaced with a new one and realized she'd never have to be without it again...


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