Small Victories

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Dearest Y/n Summers

Yes, I actually wrote a letter. No, it will not be a thing now. Yes, I have a reason.

You got your big internship! If I know you, then you're probably reading this after your first project because you only remembered to read it now. But congratulations. I feel it fitting to start with that.

Why am I writing this then?
Well, I need you to know that I love you so much. I always have. No, not like I'm going to ask you on a date kind of love, but the kind of love you feel too deeply about for it to be romance. You're my sister, my best friend and my endless supporter. I remember the day we met like yesterday but I won't bore you with the details of a story you already know.

I wanted to let you know that I am always going to be there for you, come near or far, you can count on me. If I can't be there then you can trust the Leclerc's. That Charles boy is a real good soul and I know you can count on him.

I've heard you crying some nights. I know why and I am here to tell you that you will find your happy ever after. Someone truly special is out there for you. When the day comes where you walk down the isle just know I'll be there by your side telling you 'I told you so.'

You're brave and wonderful and I hope you know that.
I wrote this not only to tell you all these things but to show you that you're capable of so much more than you thought you were, I mean look, I just wrote a letter.
Be bold Summy, always.

Your Jules

Y/n closed the letter and wiped a few stray tears away. It never fully occurred to her that the person she spoke most about her future with won't be at the most important day of her life. She got so caught up in life and planning she didn't take a step back to process.
She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked back through glossy eyes.

Charles: You read it
Y/n: I did
Charles: And?
Y/n: He's not going to be there. We spoke about it all the time and he's not going to be there Charles...
Charles: I- there's nothing I can say other than I know and it sucks... but you just took the step you've been wanting to take for so long and that's something to acknowledge. Small victories?
Y/n: Small victories.

She got up and walked to the water.

Charles: Y/n?
Y/n: I need to move on fully. He will always be my Jules and I, his Y/n but I'm starting a life with Pierre and romantic or not Jules was someone who I deeply loved. I will always have him as part of my soul but I have to find peace and let go of who he was because I won't be getting him back and I can't do that if I hold on to false pieces of him.

She sat down and opened the letter once more. Her eyes scanned the page again.

Charles: Could I ask what it says?
Y/n: Everything and more... he had a way with his words.

She dropped it into the water and watched as the ink ran all over the page turning the words into fragmented smudges. She picked it up and rolled it in a ball before standing and dropping it in to a trash can.

Charles: Are you okay?
Y/n: You know, I actually am.
Charles: You didn't want to keep it?
Y/n: Nothing I never knew was written on it.

She smiled up at Charles as she remembered Jules' words and placed an arm around him before they began to walk back to the apartment.

When they arrived back in the apartment Pierre and Arthur were sitting on the couch watching Netflix.

Arthur: Y/n? How are you?
Y/n: I'm good Arth. Really I am. Thank you guys.
Charles: You don't have to keep saying it.
Y/n: But I will. So, what we watching?
Pierre: Drive to Survive
Charles: Really? Of all shows?
Y/n: Hey, it's quite entertaining to see what Netflix has made of things.
Arthur: I agree with Y/n. Just come watch. It's a newer episode.

And so they all sat down, watching together. Many things got them laughing and commenting things like "I remember that!" And "That's not quite what happened." Or even "You should've been called out for that. It was naughty."

After a few hours or so Y/n got up and made her way to the kitchen. As she tried to stand Pierre pulled her back down into his arms.

Pierre: Where are you going?
Y/n: Someone has to make lunch around here
Pierre: I'll come help you.

They made their way to the kitchen and when they got there Pierre stopped her and kissed her. Y/n pulled back, giggling.

Y/n: What was that for?
Pierre: I have to get as much of you today as I can before tomorrow.
Y/n: It's only 24 hours Pierre. We've gone weeks apart before.
Pierre: Yes but that was when you disappeared. Didn't mean I managed it well. I missed you every second.
Y/n: Aww. Well I missed you too. Which is why I said it'll never happen again. You're stuck with me now. Then in two days there's no way out.
Pierre: Oh dear. I forgot about that. Is it too late to go back on my proposal?
Y/n: Your ass is dead if you even consider!
Pierre: Hmmm....
Y/n: Pierre. I'm warning you.
Pierre: What are you going to do? Love me to death?
Y/n: Oh you're in for it!

Pierre turned and ran out of the kitchen and Y/n sprinted after him laughing.

Y/n: Running won't help!

Pierre ran past Arthur and Charles on the couch and went straight into his room

Y/n: Where's Pierre?
Charles: Do we want to know?
Y/n: Where's Pierre?
Charles: Room
Y/n: Thank you!

She disappeared into the room and there was a sound of laughter that filled the air.
Pierre grabbed Y/n and hoisted her over his shoulder.

Pierre: You didn't stand a chance.
Y/n: Yeah yeah. Put me down hotshot.
Pierre: Gladly. Just not here.
Y/n: What?

Pierre walked out of the room and Y/n kept yelling to put her down.

He made it to the kitchen and placed her in front of where she was preparing lunch.

Pierre: Lunch won't make itself. Come on
Y/n: You're such a dork sometimes
Pierre: But I'm your dork...

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