Accepting Help

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It had been two days since the couple had arrived in Milan and already Pierre had taken Y/n to the best places he could think of. Y/n was loving every second and already she felt as if time was going too quickly. They'd be leaving for France in 7 days.

This morning in particular had been slower than usual. They had stayed in bed a lot later and only once Pierre had gotten up to prepare breakfast did Y/n start her morning routine.
Once she finished she joined Pierre in the kitchen.

Pierre: Breakfast for you ma Chérie.
Y/n: Thank you love. So what's the plan today?
Pierre: I was thinking we go for a walk then we come back and relax until tonight when I want to take you to up to a lookout point on a trail I run to stargaze.
Y/n: Oh that sounds lovely. I'll go put walking shoes on and then I'll be ready.
Pierre: Alright, I'll finish up here.

As Y/n made her way to the room Pierre got a phone call.

Pierre: Hello?
Pyry: Hey Pierre
Pierre: Ah, hey Pyry
Pyry: Look, im sorry to do this in your time off but the team has asked for a meeting and seeing as I was going to train with you this week we will use the first session for a team meeting. Virtual, of course.
Pierre: Oh. When will that be?
Pyry: Tomorrow. Sorry Pierre, I'm aware Y/n is there with you and now you'll have a day of work to do.
Pierre: It's alright. She'll understand. I gotta go.
Pyry: Bye.

Pierre sighed as Y/n entered the room.

Y/n: Everything okay?
Pierre: Tomorrow I have a team meeting all day. I don't know why but yeah... I'll be busy then. Will you be okay?
Y/n: Sure, don't worry about me. I'll explore some of the boutiques I saw.
Pierre: Okay. Ready for the walk?
Y/n: Yip

Pierre and Y/n made their way around the city, laughing and talking. It still amazes Y/n at how easy everything seemed with Pierre. She kept letting her mind wonder further until she felt a sharp pain in her knee. She looked down and realized she walked straight into a bench.

Y/n: Ouch!
Pierre: You have eyes you know. You're supposed to use them
Y/n: Shut up! I was thinking.
Pierre: Uh huh. Sit, let's see how bad it is.

Y/n sat down but was in a lot of pain. There was a slight cut but the sheer force at which she hit it left her surprised it wasn't worse. Pierre grabbed his water bottle and poured some water over it before taking the bandanna he wore off and pressing it on her knee.

Pierre: It doesn't look that bad. The bleeding will stop now and then it'll probably feel quite sore and maybe be bruised.
Y/n: Owww... I'm such a klutz.
Pierre: You are. But you're my klutz. Come on, can't sit here all day.
Y/n: What are you- no Pierre!! Ahh!

Pierre had picked Y/n up and hoisted her over his shoulder and was laughing in the process.

Pierre: Relax! You don't think I'll actually carry you like you're a sports bag do you? Come on.

He placed her standing on the bench and signaled she gets on his back.

Y/n: I can walk you know.
Pierre: I know. But you're hurt so you shouldn't have to.

Y/n kissed his cheek as she hopped on his back. Pierre walked the short distance home and at the door Y/n attempted to hop off his back but he didn't let her go.

Y/n: Uh, we're home now love.
Pierre: I know.
Y/n: Then- Wait!!!

Before she finished he ran inside the house to the bedroom and dropped Y/n on the bed falling next to her in a fit of laughter.

Y/n: Hahaha, no man!!! You scared me!
Pierre: Sorry, I just had to.

He came close to her, hovering over her as he gently pulled her into a kiss. He got up abruptly and left after instructing her to stay there. When he returned he had an ice pack and a small bandage.

Pierre: Here, it'll help ease the pain and this will keep it safely covered until it's healed.

He wrapped her knee and placed the ice pack on top.

Y/n: You didn't have to. It was really okay.
Pierre: Just accept help for once. You were in pain.
Y/n: Thank you. I really appreciate it. Now come here, I need a hug.

Pierre smiled and went over to her hugging her tightly. He saw her phone light up shortly after so realized her to answer it. Y/n sat up and opened it. When she saw it was instagram she ignored it and lay back down.

Pierre: Not important?
Y/n: No, not important
Pierre: Well, seeing as I'm working tomorrow why don't we watch a movie until we go out tonight... if you're still up to it?
Y/n: I am. It'll be amazing. But I have a better idea than a movie.
Pierre: Oh?
Y/n: Let's race. I'll tell you now I'll win.
Pierre: You wanna bet? Let's do it!

They sat up and Pierre set up the game while Y/n made her way to the living room.

Pierre: Okay, let's see what you've got Summers.
Y/n: I think you'll be surprised Gasly.

They started the game and Pierre lead by a large margin but soon enough Y/n had taken over and ended up winning.

Pierre: WHAT?! HOW?!
Y/n: I told you! I've gone unbeaten. Not Charles, not Arthur and not even YOU can beat me. Maybe I should be in F1.
Pierre: Again, come one.

They played about 5 times but Y/n still won 4/5. Just as they were wanting to start another round Pierre noticed the time.

Pierre: Oh, look. Best we get ready for the date.
Y/n: Oh, yeah. Let's go.

They got up to go get ready for the date Pierre had planned. Y/n's phone had chimed a couple more times but she ignored it again. Pierre noticed but didn't think much of it yet. Eventually they left and all the way to the point Y/n seemed awfully quiet. Pierre wasn't going to ask until he thought it absolutely necessary but he started to get concerned when she stopped looking at her phone entirely.

Pierre: Okay, we're here.
Y/n: Oh wow, you can see so much from here!
Pierre: Look up, the stars are most visible here.
Y/n: Oh my goodness! Look at all of them!
Pierre: Come on, here's a blanket. Let's sit...
A/N: Thank you for the continual support I really appreciate it! Sorry for the wait on this part, I've been pretty busy. This is a bit of a filler chapter before the next few parts which I look forward too. (There will be a slight time jump closer to the race week for pace purposes)

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