Promises and Frustrations

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Y/n lay back and looked up at the sky taking a small breath.
Pierre: Why do I get the feeling you needed to come out here tonight?
Y/n: I don't know what you mean?
Pierre: You said you love the peace stars provide and I've only ever caught you gazing at them so intently like now during a time you needed that extra peace...
Y/n: Well aren't you observant. I guess things have gone so fast so I'm just enjoying the break.
Pierre: You sur- okay. Then I can say what I wanted to say...
Y/n: Ah so there was a motive.
Pierre: Always. Haven't you realized how frequently we find ourselves under the stars together?
Y/n: I have, but I guess that it's our thing. Let's just say that the stars are writing our story with us.
Pierre: That's... wow. Even better than what I was going to say. So instead I'll just go ahead and give you this.

He handed her a small box to which Y/n looked at him confused. She sat up and took the box from him and slowly opened it to reveal a beautiful star necklace

 She sat up and took the box from him and slowly opened it to reveal a beautiful star necklace

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Y/n: Oh Pierre! You shouldn't have. It's stunning!
Pierre: I wanted to... let's say that this star is a symbol of our love. A promise to be in love, to stay together, as long as the stars shall shine for us.
Y/n: I love it, I won't take this off for as long as we're together. I love you so much.
Pierre: I love you too. Let me...

He took the necklace and placed it around Y/n's neck clasping it gently. He lifted her hair out of the chain and planted a gentle kiss on her neck before moving to her side again. She rested her head on his shoulder and he gently dropped his head to rest upon hers.

Y/n: Why can't we just stay like this forever?
Pierre: What do you mean?
Y/n: Like this. No drama, no fears, no one except us two. This perfect moment of pure peace.
Pierre: I don't see why we can't.
Y/n took a breath, pondering on his words without saying anything.
Pierre: Y/n? If there's anything you need I'll always be there for you. Don't worry about what the world throws our way because I know we'll get past it. Together.
Y/n: Thank you Pierre...

Thursday had come and gone mainly because Pierre had meetings all day so Y/n found herself exploring the city and checking out the local boutiques. Although she was gone most of the time the meetings were on, when she returned Pierre wasn't seemingly happy about how the meetings had gone.

Y/n: Hey love. Everything okay?
Pierre: What? Oh yeah, sorry. Just a long day. I think I'm going to take a quick run. Will you be okay here?
Y/n: Yeah, enjoy.

Once Pierre got into his running clothes he left without another word.

Pierre POV
I needed to clear my head. I was really frustrated with the team right now and all because of one stupid press conference.
After Abbie asked her insanely inappropriate questions at the Austrian post-race press conference I walked out with Max and Charles. It's not really allowed and given that the questions were for me they got off on a warning. I however was being punished. The team just told me that I need to apologize and do a make up interview with Abbie privately.
It enraged me as I explained the situation and they gave little care. Either I fixed it or I was out of media for the next race and given that it was France I had no other choice but to agree to the make up interview.

I ran until I got too tired to continue so I took a quick breather. I didn't know what else to do so I phoned the first person I could think of.

Daniel: Pierreee Gaslyyyyyy! How you doing mate?
Pierre: Hey Daniel. I'm good and you?
Daniel: Good thanks. What's up?
Pierre: I need advice. I won't ask Charles because he'll worry and I know you'll help. So listen...

I explained the whole story to him and by the end of it he was almost taken back by the team's actions.

Daniel: I can't believe they don't care. Do they not understand the level this could backfire? Abbie is solely going to interrogate you about Y/n and fans are going to dig up unnecessary issues.
Pierre: Exactly my thinking but seeing as I have no choice now... what should I do?
Daniel: Well maybe tell Summers obviously. Then before the interview tell Abbie that it's strictly a racing interview. There's no need to pry. When is this going to be in any case?
Pierre: Wednesday because Thursday I'll be too full for additional media in France. This means I have to leave for France on Tuesday night.
Daniel: Well Y/n won't mind. You guys will still be together. Just make the most of this weekend in Milan and take it from there.
Pierre: Yeah. Thanks mate. See you in France.
Daniel: See you Frenchman! I'll make sure I'm there on Wednesday to help if you need.
Pierre: Thanks.

I ended the call and noticed it was already past 9. I had left Y/n alone for an hour and a half so I best get back. When I arrived she was sleeping on the couch with a book on her chest. I smiled at the sight and closed the book before carrying her to bed. I took a shower and lay down next to her. I heard a phone, this time it was mine not Y/n's.

Thanks for agreeing to Wednesday! It'll be fun xx 😚

It's not like I had a choice. This is strictly for racing Abbie. Y/n cannot get involved.

Don't worry 😉 She won't unless the fans want to know

I rolled my eyes and turned off my phone. I felt Y/n come closer to me so wrapped my arms around her.

Abbie better not use this interview as part of some stunt she has...

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