A Summer's Night

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?: Hey mate!
Charles: Hey guys! Good to see you all.
?: Pierre? Didn't know you hung around all summer. Great to see that now.
Pierre: Yeah, I though it would be fun.
Arthur: Y/n sure is glad... he winked at Charles who simply chuckled.

Y/n was listening to all the different voices. She recognized one but couldn't place the others. She planned on hanging back until she was called but then she heard Arthur's comment.

Y/n: Did nobody tell you it's rude to gossip Arthur.

Max: Y/n, hey.
Y/n: Hey Max.
Daniel: Y/n? Summers? Of Y/n and Jules?
Y/n: Yes? That's me.
Daniel: It's me, Danny Ric. I raced with him.
Y/n: Of course! Daniel! It's been ages!

?: I don't believe we've met. I'm Lando.
?: And I'm Alex.
Y/n: Hi nice to meet you guys.

Arthur: I'm not wrong am I? You're happy Pierre stayed.
Y/n: Sure, it's been fun.

The night carried on smoothly and once they had eaten they had all decided to play truth or dare.

Danny: Y/n? Truth or dare?
Y/n: Truth
Danny: Okay, let's make this interesting. Would you date someone in this room?
Y/n: I- um... I want a new question.
Danny: We all know the answer...
Y/n: What? Haha you're crazy.
Lando: I guess Instagram alters pictures drastically then.
Y/n: That's just photos. Now, I want a new question.
Danny: Fineeeeee. Would you kiss someone here?
Y/n: Oh real mature.
Charles: haha, they'll keep doing it till you answer.
Y/n: Fine, if you must have an answer. I don't know.
Charles: You don't?
Y/n: I don't. I'd appreciate it if you left it at that.
Pierre: Okay, I'll go.

Y/n was relieved to have moved on with Pierre's help and after a short while she decided to go clean up as they were all starting to leave.

She started in the kitchen and from old habits she started humming. Pierre came and quietly stood against the wall, a smile on his face as he watched her. Y/n never noticed him until she turned around.

Y/n: Jeez! You scared me!
Pierre: Sorry, I was just- uh need any help?
Y/n: How about coffee.
Pierre: Music to my ears.

Pierre made them coffee and they went to sit on the balcony in the warm summers night.

Pierre: If I may... you really don't know?
Y/n: Not you too. Haha I guess I haven't thought about dating since Luca. It hasn't really been a great desire of mine. But you could get any girl probably, why haven't you?
Pierre: Also hasn't been on my mind.
Y/n: Well, looks like we have to ruin everyone's dreams.
Pierre: Ha, yeah...

Y/n smiled softly at Pierre before looking back over the railing. While she watched the night life Pierre kept his gaze on her, he had never before realized how beautiful she is. They remained like this until Y/n broke the silence:
"What a beautiful night."
Pierre: It really is... beautiful...

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