Face to Face with the Past

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The next two days flew by with Pierre and Y/n being inseparable.
On Tuesday morning Y/n got up before Pierre and put on a simple summer dress before heading down to the kitchen.

Charles: Morning. Up early.
Y/n: I have something planned today. With Pierre.
Charles: Oh? Where to?
Y/n: Nowhere fancy. Just the beach. For a picnic. I have to talk to him.
Charles: Aww, baby sis is in loooveee.
Y/n: Shut uuup.

Arthur: Did I hear someone say love?

Charles: Just saying how Y/n's hopelessly in love.
Arthur: Without a doubt!
Y/n: Can you guys stop! You're being very loud, and Pierre isn't up yet.
Charles: So? If he hears us it's fine, he knows.
Arthur: Exactly. Y/n looovvesss Pierre
Y/n: You guys are so childish. Stop
Charles: Not until you say it.
Y/n: FINE, I love Pierre.

Pierre: Aw, I love you too ma chérie.

Y/n never turned to face him and went blood red in the face covering it with her hands.

Pierre: No need to be shy. You're cute when you blush.

Pierre walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Y/n: Hey you... Um, get ready. I want to go the beach.
Pierre: Sounds perfect.


Y/n and Pierre headed out to the beach as soon as Pierre was ready. They sat in the shade on the sand in a secluded spot and Y/n had prepared a picnic basket.
They spoke for a while before Y/n cleared her throat and sat up facing Pierre.

Y/n: So, um, Pierre... I actually wanted to do this because I wanted to tell you- well ask you something.
Pierre: You can ask me anything, you know that.
Y/n: Well- um-

She took a quick breath and Pierre grabbed her hand.

Pierre: What is it mon chérie?
Y/n: I just- so- okay we leave for Austria tomorrow right, then after that you go to Milan and I come back with Charles. Well even though it's not a big thing I just wanted to ask you before we leave if-

?- Y/n? I'm sorry to interrupt I just need to know if it's you.

Y/n's smile dropped she recognized that voice anywhere. It had been a while since she heard it... her breaths became uneven and Pierre noticed this.

?: Please, Y/n? I hoped to find you here. I've been all over town. I need to talk.

Pierre looked at Y/n with concern and confusion as she sat silent but she saw his eyes telling her to answer. She stood and turned around standing face to face with one of her ghost of the past. One she tired long and hard to avoid...

Y/n: Hi dad.
?: Oh Y/n. Look at you... all grown up, with a gentleman and all.
Pierre: Pierre Gasly sir
?: Call me Barry.

He tried to go in for a hug but Y/n stepped back.

Y/n: What are you doing here? Lost another girl? Need money? Out of alcohol?
B: No, no and... listen I just want to talk to you.
Y/n: Why? What do you have to say? It's been years dad.
B: Exactly, just let me clear the air a bit. Explain myself.
Y/n: For what? Never being a good husband, a good dad? Caring more about the drinks than your job? Telling me that Jules and Charles will be the death of me with their stupid sport? There's no explaining needed dad. You made it pretty clear where I stood when you didn't even bother to phone me when I ran away.
B: I knew you left because of me so I didn't think you'd care if I called because you wouldn't return.
Y/n: CRAP! You didn't care. It would've been nice to know if you did.

Y/n's breaths became increasingly unsteady and her hands started shaking slightly. Pierre stepped closer placing his hand on her lower back and immediately he felt Y/n ease up.

Y/n: What exactly do you want to say?

Barry looked between her and Pierre and eventually answered.

B: Can we meet for dinner?
Y/n: Fine. You probably have my Instagram given you found me here. Let me know when to meet you.

Barry nodded and walked off. Y/n exhaled and Pierre wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

Pierre: Let's sit, you need to catch your breath.
Y/n: Thanks.
Pierre: So...
Y/n: I don't know what he's doing here.
Pierre: He didn't like you around F1 drivers a lot?
Y/n: Hated them. Didn't even send any message when Jules... yeah he's never supported my relationships with them.
Pierre: Good thing he didn't recognize me.

Y/n laughed at this.

Pierre: There's that smile. Now, you were saying?

Just Friends // Pierre Gasly Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora