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Around three months have passed since the wedding and Pierre and Y/n were settled into their new home and new life together.
As promised, Y/n and Charles remained in touch every single day, never missing their nightly calls which Arthur would join when he wasn't busy.


It was the weekend of the first race of the year and Pierre was more ready than ever for it.

Y/n: You're going to do great my love! You took P2 today, that means you have the pace. You'll get Max in the first corner and then the race will be yours.
Pierre: Thanks Chérie. I really hope so. No better way than to start the season on a high.

She smiled up at him and kissed him gentle before she headed to the Ferrari garage.

Y/n: Excuse me but is there a Charles here?

Charles: That'd be m- Y/n!
He ran up to her and hugged her.
Charles: I didn't think I'd see you until tomorrow
Y/n: I came in a day earlier to surprise all of you guys. I really missed you Charlesie
Charles: I missed you too. I'm so glad you're here! Did you watch quali?
Y/n: Yip, congrats on a second row start.
Charles: Thank you- oh you have to come see Arth and Lo. They're in my drivers room.
Y/n: Please! Let's go!

After following Charles into his room at the motorhome and catching up with Arthur and Lorenzo, Y/n rejoined Pierre in the paddock.

Reporter: Mrs Gasly! Congratulations on the wedding! Can we expect to see you here all year?
Y/n: I- uhm... I will do my best to be at every race I can be but-
Pierre: -but she also has a job and a life to see to back home. That'll be all we discuss about our private life. Thank you.

The reporter walked away, clearly disappointed by Pierre's answer but the couple didn't seem to mind.

Y/n: How is it that you're always saving me from these situations?
Pierre: I guess I just have a connection so strong with you that I get alerted when you're about to be ambushed by press.
Y/n: Well thank you. I guess we better get going now though. Busy day tomorrow.
Pierre: Let's go then

He put his arm around her and they walked to the car.

Pierre: I did want to make a quick stop somewhere before dinner. Is that okay?
Y/n: Of course, where were you needing to go?
Pierre: You'll see
Y/n: Still one for the surprises I see
Pierre: You know it!

Y/n giggles as Pierre drove through the city, street lights illuminating the way. They got to the hotel and Pierre stopped the car in front of it.

Y/n: Oh, we stopped at the hotel?
Pierre: Come on, it's not what you think
Y/n: Okay

She got out the car and grabbed Pierre's hand as he closed the door behind her.
He led them inside and up to the roof.

Y/n: Pierre Gasly are you about to murder me up on the roof, have you had enough already?
Pierre: I'll never have enough of you. Trust me?
Y/n: I always trust you.
Pierre: Good, let's go.

He took her arm in his and walked onto the roof.

?: Surprise!
Y/n: What's all this?
Daniel: It's been about 3 months since we last saw you-
Max: - and we've all missed you and heard how much you missed us-
Lando: -So we thought we'd have a couple of drinks up here together
Y/n: Aw you guys! This is so sweet! You know that you're all just a bunch of softies. Especially you tough guy.
She nudged her elbow into Charles' side as he stood by her.
Charles: Yeah yeah.

The next few hours were filled with them laughing and catching up on missed time together. Once it got late everyone made their way to their rooms in preparation for the season starter in the morning. Feeling overwhelmingly happy, Y/n went to bed that night with a smile on her face and warmth in her heart. 3 months might not be long but it was long enough for her to deeply miss everyone...


The next morning the sun shone brightly. Perfect weather for the race that evening. Pierre was in the bathroom getting ready as Y/n decided to upload a photo from last night while she waited.


👤@PierreGasly @LandoNorrisCouldn't get with all the guys but thanks for the good times last night🥰And to a photo bombing Lando who did so in the most aesthetic manner😂

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👤@PierreGasly @LandoNorris
Couldn't get with all the guys but thanks for the good times last night🥰And to a photo bombing Lando who did so in the most aesthetic manner😂

@PierreGasly: ❤️❤️
@LandoNorris: I didn't even realize I was in the shot😂
💬@Just_Y/n: Sure you didn't 😂
@CharlesLeclerc: Was great to see you again!❤️
💬@MaxVerstappen: I second that!
💬💬@DanielRicciardo: What he said!

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Pierre: You ready?
Y/n: Yip. Are you?
Pierre: Always- let's get to the circuit.
Y/n: Perfect.

They made their way to the circuit and the day went by quickly. Meetings and preparations came to an end and soon enough it was Lights Out for the first time this season.
What started off as a smooth race turned chaotic as one of the Aston Martins power units failed, causing a red flag as the tire barrier was crashed into. This gave Pierre a chance to get out of his car and he approached Y/n.

Y/n: And now? Everything okay?
Pierre: I was just checking how you are doing
Y/n: Aw love, I'm perfect. So, are you going to win this for me or what?
Pierre: For you? Easily.

They blew each other a kiss as Pierre returned to his car and the race resumed. And just as easily as Pierre had said, the checkered flag was his.
There were many celebrations from his garage as everyone ran out to congratulate him. His eyes searched the team and his smile grew as they met Y/n's. She ran up to the barrier and hugged him tightly.

Y/n: I knew you could do it! Now go get that trophy!
Pierre: I love you so much

Pierre proceeded to walk up to the podium and claim the top step, alongside him was Max and George. An interesting podium for the season starter but one that promised a season of excitement.
Raising the Champaign bottle, Pierre tilted it towards Y/n, as if to toast, and with a wink he took a sip causing Y/n to laugh and she smiled as she got flashbacks to the time that he won and they came out as a couple to the world. It was a moment that filled her heart with warmth and the more she thought, the more she realized that she'd truly found her soulmate. She knows she'd choose him in every life and that this was only the start of their story.

Y/n: Look out world, because the Gasly's are about to make history...

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