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After saying their goodbyes and denying any chance of skipping Belgium, Y/n and Pierre headed to the airport.

They walked hand in hand through the airport and it wasn't long before there was a shutter of a camera. Y/n froze and quickly stuck her left hand in her pocket.

Pierre: Chérie? Everything alright?
Y/n: I just- could we not announce... you know... until after this thing with my parents is sorted?
Pierre: Of course
He kissed her forehead and pulled her hood up over her head.
Pierre: Better get moving quickly, before more people come.

A fan ran up to them, stopping them dead in their tracks.

Fan: I'm so so sorry! I just- I'm such a huge fan and I love you two! Could I get a picture? If you have time...
Y/n: Of course!
Fan: OMG! Thank you! Oh, this is for you Y/n...

Y/n took the small box from the fan and opened it to reveal a small key ring with Pierre's driver number and a small heart engraved on it.

Y/n: You're too kind. I love it, I'll always use it. Thank you.
Pierre: That's very cool, thank you. We better get a move on though, nice meeting you.

The two made their way onto the plane without any further interruptions. Once seated, Y/n examined the key ring again.

Pierre: That was very sweet of her. It's never happened before... usually we get the gifts
Y/n: I know... I- when I was on the airport with Jules all I got was hated on. People told me all kind of things but this was really sweet. You really have the best fans my love.
Pierre: It's not just mine. Everyone's fans love you, Charles', Max's, everyone's. Nobody could possibly hate you. Those people that acted that way were just jealous.
Y/n: Thank you Pierre...

She smiled and turned for the window. Silence filled the plane and Pierre had a burning question to ask.

Pierre: long?
Y/n: Since?
She looked at him confused.
Pierre: Since you've seen your mom.
Y/n: She left when I was 7 so around 16 years now.
Pierre: Oh wow... that's-
Y/n: -Long? Yeah... I uh- if she's really back and my dad wasn't lying I can't even promise I'll recognize her voice... let alone her... she was always an absent mother, that's why I spent so much time elsewhere.
Pierre: By elsewhere you mean with Jules?
Y/n: Uh... yeah and others; Jules was always special, he became my rock.
Pierre leant forward and wiped a tear with his thumb off of Y/n's cheek. She hadn't even realized she was crying.

Y/n: I spent my life running from the reality of my family dynamics... I suppose it's true that you can't run forever.
Pierre: That's why you're so determined to make this trip?
Y/n: I'm tired of running...

With one last look into Pierre's eyes, Y/n turned back for the window and closed her eyes.

Pierre: I had no idea
Y/n: Only Jules ever knew everything, not even Charles, Lo or Arthur know.
Pierre: I'm so sorry ma Chérie.
Y/n: Don't be. I don't regret anything from my childhood, most of all my family because it pushed me into the arms of Jules and the Leclerc's and eventually you.
Pierre: I love you so much
Y/n: I love you too


Charles: I don't like this
Max: You have to relax mate. She's already gone, you can't stop it now.
Arthur: I trust Pierre to keep her safe
Charles: I do too but I don't trust Barry
Arthur: Neither do I but we can't stop her from going to her actual family.
Charles: They're not her family. Family don't do that to one another, they don't disappear and return when they please.
Max: As much of a good point you've made, I agree with Arthur here. She needs to do this for herself. I know a thing or two about shitty parenting and one thing I can say is Y/n handles it very well. She's definitely got this.
Charles: If anything happens-
Arthur: -We'll be on the first flight out...


Y/n and Pierre eventually landed and caught a ride to the hotel. Pierre could see Y/n was tense since landing in Belgium and didn't know how to help.

Y/n: I think we should go for a walk before we head to my parents.
Pierre: Are you sure?
Y/n: Yeah... yeah it'll be good for me.
Pierre: Okay, then lead the way. You know this area better than I do.
Y/n: Let's go.

They walked through town as Y/n showed Pierre all the places from her childhood. They were making their way through the park near her parents' house when someone stopped them.

?: Well I'd be damned if that's you Y/n Summers!
Y/n: Excuse me?
?: It is you! Y/n Summers where on earth have you just crawled out of?!
Y/n: Nate? Nate Micheals?
Nate: Yeah! It's me!
Y/n: Ahh it's been years!

She ran up to the man and embraced him tightly.

Nate: Where have you been? Why are you here?
Y/n: I did it.
Nate: You actually moved to Monaco?
Y/n: I did. With Jules.
Nate: You guys found each other?
Y/n: We did. I moved in with him and left my dad.
Nate: Oh Y/n... I heard about him- Jules- I'm so sorry.
Y/n: It's okay. I'm not alone.
Nate: I see so. Who is this?
Y/n: This is Pierre, my fiancé.
Nate: Oh you're engaged, congratulations.
Y/n: Thank you. And Pierre this is Nate. He's a friend from... well pretty much since the day we learned that word.
Pierre: Please to meet you.
Nate: Likewise. Anyway, you didn't say why you're here.
Y/n: Apparently my mom is back. Needed to see if that was true before I never come back.
Nate: Never? That's a long time. How long are you here for?
Y/n: Just two days then I leave.
Nate: Well if you have a spare hour or so we need to meet up. It's been way too long.
Y/n: It has, but unfortunately I can't meet up, if my mom really is back I'm going to be with her. But before I go, aren't you supposed to be in the states? What happened to the dream board?
Nate: Fail safe turned out to be more exciting than I thought. I chose to study here and well it's been amazing.
Y/n: I'm so glad. Oh Nate, I really must get going but do find me on Instagram. I believe it won't be too difficult. See you.

They hugged one last time and Y/n and Pierre walked towards Y/n's parents' home.

Pierre: So who was he?
Y/n: A friend since before I left Belgium with my dad.
Pierre: Oh
Y/n: Jealous? Don't be. Nate's not exactly the dating type. He's free spirited.
Pierre: He didn't recognize me?
Y/n: He's not into watching sports let alone formula 1
Pierre:Oh okay. And what did he mean by you and Jules found each other?
Y/n: You ask a lot of questions. We're here.

They stopped at the end of a pathway made up of uneven stones that led to a small wooden door.

Y/n: Time to go see my mom I guess...

Just Friends // Pierre Gasly Where stories live. Discover now