Nobody gets off easily

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It had been three days since the Jimmy'z incident and Y/n hadn't contacted Luca since.
She was watching the qualifying. Lorenzo had phoned but she wasn't in the mood to talk, so she sent him to voicemail and sent a thumbs up message. She had considered phoning Charlotte but she knew she'd hear something was wrong and would tell Charles. So there she sat, alone in the apartment. The exact reason she moved out of her and Jules' old place was to not be alone, but she wasn't ready to go to a race.

Y/n: Jules, you'd know what to do right now...

Her phone screen lit up and she saw an name she couldn't ignore... looking up at the TV she realized she'd been in her thoughts for so long Qualifying had finished and Charles had gotten pole.

Y/n: Hello
Charles: Y/n, hey!
Y/n: Congrats Charles! What an amazing result, I'm so happy for you!
Charles: Thank you, the car was strong today; just gotta hope it's the same tomorrow.
Y/n: I'm sure you can win, just push.
Charles: Yeah... anyway I wanted to check in on you. Lorenzo said you sent him to voicemail earlier.
Y/n: Oh... I just wasn't feeling up to a chat... but I'm okay I promise. Never better actually!

She immediately regretted saying that... she'd never said that before and Charles knew this...

Charles: Y/n? What's actually going on?
Y/n: Nothing Charles... I really am okay.
Charles: I can hear you're upset... did something happen with Luca?
Y/n: N-no Charles. I'm fine! Now I gotta go. Congrats again.

She hung up the phone with tears in her eyes. It pained her to lie to Charles but she had no choice. She just hopes that was enough to keep him off her case until Monday morning when he got home.

Charles POV
Y/n: N-no Charles. I'm fine! Now I gotta go. Congrats again.
Charles: Y/n, I-

He was too late, she'd already ended the call...
"What was wrong?" He thought. "She's never been like this."

Pierre: Hey mate, congrats on pole!
Charles: What? Oh, yeah, thanks.
Pierre: Woah, what's wrong? You seem pretty- um- just not like somebody who got pole.
Charles: Yeah, it's just Y/n... something seemed wrong now when I called.
Pierre: Y/n? As in Y/n and Jules?
Charles: Yeah... she's been living with Arthur and I since the accident. She couldn't be alone... and now....
Pierre: Now she's alone?
Charles: Yeah. She still doesn't want to come to races and the only race we hoping she'll see live is Monaco in a couple weeks.
Pierre: I'm sure she's fine mate. If she needed help she surely has people.
Charles: Thats just the thing Pierre. She doesn't.

Back to Y/n's POV
Y/n decided there was no point in sitting alone in an empty house.
Hoping a little exercise would clear her mind, she got ready and went for a run. As she ran down towards the harbor, she saw celebrations for Charles' pole happening everywhere. Suddenly she felt she had been rude to him when all he was trying to do was care. He'd just gotten pole and she hung up on him...

These feelings wallowed in her chest but quickly disappeared when she saw a familiar face down at the docks and he had seen her too.

Damon: Ah! Y/n! I'd be damned.

She just stood, she couldn't move. Her legs had failed her. And at this point so had her words.

Damon: Why so quiet?
Y/n: I-
Damon: I think you need something to drink. Come with me to my boat and I'll get you something cold.
Y/n: N-no, it's okay...
Damon: Sorry?
Y/n: I said NO! Get away from me!

Suddenly another body emerged from the boat.

Luca: What's the yelling? Y/n?
Y/n: Wha- Why? No, never mind. I gotta go.
Luca: Woah! Slow your roll babe. What's the rush? You disappear for 3 days and then try run away again?
Y/n: Get away. Now.
Luca: Y/n, didn't I tell you not to make a scene?
Y/n: You're an asshole! Charles was right. I'm better off without you.
Luca: Hey! I don't know what you think your little buddy has to say, but he's wrong.
Y/n: No Luca, he's not. I- I-

She stopped herself. She wants to end things right now but doesn't know how. What would happen if she did? She was too scared to but if she did she'd be free...

Luca: You what?! For f** sake Y/n. SPEAK!
Y/n: I'M DONE! With you. With your threats. With your lies. With everything!
Luca: Haha you think you can get off that easily?
Y/n: I don't care what you have to say right now. I'm leaving. For good. We're done!

She ran off with a knot in her throat. She was happy to have finally done that... she would face the consequences later, because with Luca, there will always be consequences...

Just Friends // Pierre Gasly Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora