Unkown Caller

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The next morning Y/n woke up to her phone ringing. Without looking at the name she answered.

Pierre: Didn't wake you did I?
Y/n: You did.
Pierre: Well good morning sunshine! Sleep well?
Y/n: Morning Gasly. I did thanks and you?
Pierre: I did. So how's Monaco?
Y/n: Sucks without you...
Pierre: I'm sorry I couldn't come. But are you doing okay?
Y/n: Yeah... I guess. There is this feeling of being watched by Damon everywhere but I actually am doing okay.
Pierre: Are the guys with you when you go out?
Y/n: Actually Charles and I spent the whole afternoon together yesterday.
Pierre: That's awesome! Finally spoke to him?
Y/n: I did... he uh- he took me to Jules. I finally asked to go.

Pierre fell silent for a moment.

Pierre: That's great news Y/n. You're taking brave steps.
Y/n: Yeah... and how's Milan? When can I see you?
Pierre: It's usual. And only in Austria.
Y/n: Argh... Well-

Charles: Knock knock... though I heard you talking? Oh- sorry. You're on a call.
Y/n: It's okay, it's just Pierre.
Charles: Hey Pierre! Y/n, I just wanted to say we're going for lunch. Be ready by 12.
Y/n: Thanks. Will do.

Charles walked out and closed the door behind him. Y/n carried on talking to Pierre for around an hour before realizing she needed to get ready.

Y/n: I gotta go now. We'll chat again.
Pierre: Yeah... Um Y/n?
Y/n: Yes?
Pierre: I miss you.
Y/n: Miss you more.

The call ended and Y/n wanted to find something cool and casual for lunch. Not knowing where they were going or with who, she found a simple outfit for the day:

 Not knowing where they were going or with who, she found a simple outfit for the day:

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

She went down to the living room where Arthur was sitting on the couch. She ran and jumped onto the couch besides him.

Arthur: Jeez! Gave me a heart attack!
Y/n: Haha sorry! What's up?
Arthur: I was peacefully sitting until you came.
Y/n: Ouch! It's kinda my job to irritate you guys.
Arthur: Yeah yeah. You were on the phone to Pierre no?
Y/n: I was
Arthur: How's that going?
Y/n: Going good...
Arthur: You guys are perfect for each other
Charles: So perfect. Shall we get to lunch?

The three of them met up with Lorenzo at their favorite restaurant. They laughed and talked for ages before Y/n's phone vibrated.
She took a breath as saw it was an unknown number...
She excused herself to go outside and answer it.
As she headed for the door Charles watched her closely being the only Leclerc to know about her situation.

Once Y/n was outside she answered the unknown number's call.

Y/n: Hello?
Luca: Finally; you're impossible to reach.
Y/n: Oh HELL no! How did you even get this number?
Luca: Don't yell. And it wasn't that hard.
Y/n: What do you want?
Luca: Please can we talk? Please Y/n.
Y/n: Why?
Luca: I just want to clear the air. Meet me at the docks now? Alone.

Y/n looked through the restaurant window and saw the guys laughing. She had just finished lying to them. She just cleared things up with Charles... Was she ready to risk that and lie once more?

Y/n: Fine.

She walked quickly down the sidewalk to the docks where she saw Luca leaning against a wall. She was relieved to see he was alone and not with Damon.

Luca: Y/n!

He went up to hug her but she pushed him back.

Luca: Sorry... how are you?
Y/n: I'm alright.
Luca: You look good.
Y/n: Cut the crap. What do you want?
Luca: Why'd you tell Pierre about Damon?

Y/n felt her heart rate go up...

Y/n: What?
Luca: He wouldn't have gotten kicked out the Paddock by Pierre if he hadn't known something was up.
Y/n: He was kicked out? I- I didn't tell him.
Luca: Come on Y/n. How stupid do you think I am? He took a step closer to her.
Y/n: Luca.. I. Never. Told. Anyone.
Luca: Pity you keep lying. Pity you went and spoke up. I just wanted this conversation to go well. To clear things up. I would've offered to keep Damon away from you had you been honest but you weren't. Enjoy the week in Monaco.

Luca gave a slight smile and walked off. Y/n feel to floor, her back against the wall. Her breaths became shallower and she felt tears welling up. She'd been such an idiot. What was she thinking telling Pierre...

As she sat trying to catch her breath a shadow appeared above her.

- Y/n right? Why are you here?

Just Friends // Pierre Gasly حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن