Starting the Future

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Minister: I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride...

Pierre pulled Y/n in for a kiss and everyone cheered.
They pulled back half crying with tears of joy and half laughing.

Pierre: I love you
Y/n: I love you too

They walked back down the aisle through everyone still cheering. It was a magical moment that they would remember forever...


Carla: Ladies and gentlemen! May it be my honor to announce, for the first time ever, Mr and Mrs Gasly!

Everyone cheered as the doors to the reception opened and Pierre and Y/n walked in, smiles brighter than ever.
They made their way to the dance floor and took position before Dahl's "Can I Kiss You?" started playing. They opened the dance floor with their dance before Charles came and asked to cut in.

Charles: Congratulations Y/n, that was beautiful
Y/n: Thank you
Charles: Jules would've been so happy for you.
Y/n: I know.
Charles: So are you ready for my speech?
Y/n: No, I just know I'm going to cry.
Charles: Maybe you won't...

They carried on talking and soon enough the song ended. Everyone went to take their seats as Charles walked to the front of the venue.

Charles: Good evening everyone. Normally when I'm handed a mic and given full attention I'm debriefing about how a race went... The room filled with quiet laughter. But tonight is different and in the best way possible. Tonight we're celebrating a couple that couldn't be more suited for each other. I've known Pierre since we were children and I met Y/n through Jules a few years ago. I still remember everything about the day that Jules brought Y/n home, insisting we be nice. Little did I know he'd set a trap and I'd be stuck with Y/n for a long time. That all changed though when I decided to have my best friend stay over before the Monaco race and throughout the summer break. I'd never seen two people fall so perfectly in love as Pierre and Y/n did in those few weeks. I've known them apart and I know them together and together they're an unstoppable force. From denying it to finally giving in, I don't think anyone ever saw such a perfect pair. Y/n, my sister because family doesn't always mean blood, I love you so much and I am so happy to see you get your happily ever after... I told you so... and Pierre will be the best husband you could ask for. Pierre, my best friend, treat her well, don't let her go and treasure her always. I am so proud to see where you've ended up. I couldn't have asked for a better love story for two of the most special people to me. Congratulations you two. May your life bring you all the happiest moments together and now... I want you to look into each others eyes... when you have your moments, because every couple has them, let a single look into each others eyes like this remind you of why you are wearing those rings. Won't you all raise your glasses with me as we toast to Mr and Mrs Gasly.

Everyone took the toast and Y/n wiped a stray tear as she expected to.  She rested her head on Pierre's shoulder as he held her close. After everyone quietened down, Arthur took over from Charles.

Arthur: Well I think everything I wanted to say was covered by Charles but Y/n and Pierre... if true love was a couple, it'd be you two. You are both so perfectly fit for each other that it's hard to believe you didn't find each other sooner. I know that in every lifetime you end up just as you are because your love story is written in the stars. May your life together bring you endless happiness and I hope you treasure each moment together. Congratulations Mr and Mrs Gasly and Y/n, I hope you know that this doesn't mean you can disappear out of our lives but Pierre... good luck with her. Pierre laughed under his breath as Y/n scoffed jokingly at Arthur. I love you both so much and couldn't be happier for you. Here's to you guys!

The rest of the speeches went by quickly and soon enough everyone was enjoying the party. Y/n and Pierre made their rounds to everyone and eventually got to the table with the drivers.

Max: Sum- Gasly!
Y/n: Ooo, that feels wrong.
Max: How do you think I feel.
Pierre: You can't exactly call her Gasly when I'm Gasly to you.
Y/n: Guess you'll have to get creative Max.
Daniel: Oh I know! Gasly 2.0!
Lando: What about The Better Gasly
Pierre: Wow guys, I feel the love
Y/n: I think you should think a bit more, but I'm not against The Better Gasly
Pierre: Hey!
Y/n: I'm kidding love
She looked over at the guys and shook her head while mouthing 'I'm not'.
The guys laughed before Daniel got up.

Daniel: May I have this dance Mrs Gasly?
He bowed in such a comedic style as he reached his hand out.
Y/n: Why of course!

Y/n took his hand and went with him to the dance floor. It wasn't a slow song but it was slow enough for them to keep a steady motion.

Daniel: You look stunning by the way. A true bride.
Y/n: Thank you. Look... we haven't spoken in a while-
Daniel: -Don't worry Y/n.
Y/n: I don't want you to think it has something to do with you or what happened a while ago.
Daniel: I know it doesn't. I love seeing you like this.
Y/n: Like what?
Daniel: Happy. You're back Y/n, in all your crazy ways.
She looked over at Pierre who was laughing with Charles and she felt her heart warm her body. She hadn't realized how each day with Pierre was a day that a new piece of her old self was replaced.
Y/n: You're right... and it's all because of Pierre...

The song ended and she ran up to Pierre, holding him tightly.

Pierre: Chérie?
Y/n: I love you so much
Pierre: I love you too
Y/n: Thanks for bringing me back
Pierre: What do you mean?
Y/n: You got me to find myself again. You saved the old Y/n and brought me back piece by piece. I never thanked you for it before.
Pierre: We saved each other and I didn't even know I needed saving but you still saved me.

He kissed her gently as he held her close. The party carrying on around them.

Pierre: Want to get out of here?
Y/n: Pierre Gasly, you read my mind..
Pierre: Well then Y/n Gasly, take my hand and let's go.
Y/n: Go where exactly?
Pierre: To start our future...

With a loving look they exchanged a smile and headed for the door. Y/n glanced over her shoulder and her eyes met Charles' who smiled at her brightly giving a small nod. That was all she needed before she grabbed Pierre's hand as they ran out into the night, their laughter filling the chilly air bringing a new kind of warmth to the area. The stars shone brightly overhead as they continued on their way, ready to begin this new chapter together...

Just Friends // Pierre Gasly जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें