The Big Day

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"I'm getting married today!" Y/n yelled as she ran into her old room and jumped on the bed where Charles was still half asleep.

Charles: Yeah you are
Y/n: There's so much to do! Come onnn!

She grabbed Charles' hand to help him sit up.
Arthur came in to the room looking very confused.
Arthur: What's with all the yelling?
Y/n: It's finally here! The big day is finally here!
Arthur: Let me guess... bridezilla has awakened?
Y/n: You know it! Come on! My hair and makeup artist will be here in two hours. I still need breakfast and you guys have to make sure you're ready in time.

Charles: Okay, breathe. Let's go make breakfast first. Then we can plan the rest of today.
Y/n: Deal

They went to the kitchen and Charles prepared breakfast for the three of them.

Charles: So, Y/n, one more time. What's the rundown?
Y/n: Breakfast, check. Hair and makeup, soon. First look, before we leave. Then we have to get to the venue. Arthur, do you still have the rings?
Arthur: Of course I do. Guarded them with my life.
Y/n: Thank you.
Charles: I'm so excited for you sis.
Y/n: Thanks Charles
Charles: If you'll excuse me, I have to make a call.

Charles walked out onto the little balcony and phoned Pierre.

Pierre: Let me guess, she woke you up screaming
Charles: You know her too well
Pierre: It's cute. I almost did the same thing, I would've called but figured you'd have her so I'd just be too much.
Charles: Haha yeah
Pierre: What up?
Charles: She loved the necklace.
Pierre: Really? That's great!
Charles: Yeah. Then are you all ready for today, didn't need me to pick up anything? Y/n is going to want me here but you're my best friend and it's also your wedding day.
Pierre: I have everything sorted. Be there for Y/n, really I'll be fine.
Charles: Okay, thanks. Oh and I wanted to actually tell you before you saw it for yourself... but Y/n's mother is going to be there.
Pierre: What? Wait, what did I miss. We didn't speak for one day and so much happened clearly
Charles: I'm sure Y/n will explain everything to you once you're together but there's been some fixing of bonds.
Pierre: That's great news for Y/n!
Charles: Yeah. Well it sounds like Sophia just got here, she's come to help. See you soon mate.
Pierre: See you soon!

Charles walked back inside and saw Y/n, Arthur and Sophia laughing at something on Sophia's phone.

Charles: Morning Sophia
Sophia: Morning Charles, good to finally meet you and your brother... officially.
Charles: Good to meet you too. Glad you could make it, especially for Y/n.
Sophia: Me too.

She smiled at Y/n who reciprocated and then got up.

Y/n: Okay, I'm going to go shower. Arthur, Carla will be here soon but she's my bridesmaid and will be helping me. That means you can't keep her distracted
Arthur: I know I know... I'll stay away.
Y/n: Thank you

She giggled before walking off to the bathroom...

Soon enough Y/n was getting ready in her room with Carla and her mother. There was music playing and there was a peaceful and joyful atmosphere in the house.
Charles stood on the balcony with Arthur as instructed, waiting for Y/n to come out.

Arthur: She's going to look beautiful
Charles: She really is
Arthur: Got a speech ready for tonight?
Charles: I do, are you ready?
Arthur: Yip-

Carla: -Are you ready to see the bride?

They turned around and smiled eagerly.

Carla: Okay, here she is

Y/n walked looking just as stunning as they had imagined.

Y/n walked looking just as stunning as they had imagined

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Charles: Wow

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Charles: Wow...
Arthur: Y/n...
Sophia: Isn't she just lovely
Charles: Beautiful
Y/n: Thank you, but don't keep looking at me like that. I can't cry yet.
Charles: Looking at you how?
Y/n: All soft and emotional.
Charles: I'll try my best. Shall we get to the venue?
Y/n: Let's go

They arrived at the venue and lights illuminated the aisle. It was outdoors and looked like something out of a movie. Everyone went to their designated areas and Y/n and Charles hung back out of sight.

Charles: One last word before you do this.
Y/n: Okay?
Charles: I am so, so proud of you. I say it a lot but I mean it. Looking at you here ready to walk down that aisle and marry your best friend and true love- I think about how I sometimes see the Y/n that showed up at our door after everything and then I see you here...
His words started failing him for the first time in a long while.
Y/n: I know... I love you Charlesie
Charles: I love you too Y/n. Now, for one more time... Are you ready?
Y/n: More than...

The music started and Y/n walked toward at the start of the aisle with Charles right by her side...

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